
Sunday 18 December 2011

The Daily Teaser - 18-12-2011

You know, I’ve got to admit, I think I’m a little annoyed at the moment.

Mostly on behalf of my Aunty Bella: that’s her in the red jumper, sitting next to me mum and Jude, there.

She’s not getting any younger: but is the owner of a satellite TV installation.

I’ll be frank … ? From what she told us last night, I think the Sky salesman that sold it to her may well have missold it to her.

Yeah, like I say … annoyed …

Lets move on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting in her answers: and bagging 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) According to some, 18th December is the last day of which debatable sign of the Zodiac?

Q2) 18th December, 1787, saw which US state become the third to ratify the US Constitution … ?

Q3) 18th December, 1958, saw the launch of Project SCORE: which is said to be the world’s first what: orbiting telescope, satellite weapon or communications satellite … ?

Q4) 18th December, 1956, saw which Asian nation join the UN … ?

Q5) 18th December, 1912, saw the initial discovery of what turned out to be which paleontological hoax?

Q6) And finally … 18th December, 1938, saw the birth of bassist, Chas Chandler: apart from being a member of The Animals, which US guitarist did he help bring to fame … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 17th December, 1538, saw which English King get excommunicated … ?
A1) Henry 8th.

Q2) More to the point, by which pope … ?
A2) Pope Paul 3rd.

Q3) 17th December, 1989, saw the debut episode of The Simpsons aired: what was that episode’s title … ?
A3) Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire.

Q4) 17th December, 2010 saw Mohamed Bouazizi spark the Tunisian Revolution — and Arab Spring — by doing what … ?
A4) Setting himself on fire. (Or self-immolation, if you want the technical term.)

Q5) 17th December, 1939, saw the scuttling of which German warship … ?
A5) The Admiral Graf Spee.

Q6) And finally … 17th December, 1942, saw which British politician condemn the murder of Jews in Nazi controlled Europe … ?
A6) Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

I’ve I’ve offered a thought or two from the House Of Pain …


  1. Just out of curiosity, does that video refer at all to The Troubles in Northern Ireland? I recently finished reading a great novel about that subject. A book called "The Ghosts of Belfast" by Stuart Neville. Awesome! :)

    1. Sagittarius or Ophiuchus
    2. New Jersey
    3. communications satellite
    4. Japan
    5. the Piltdown Man
    6. Jimi Hendrix

  2. I’ve got to confess, Debbi, I really don’t know: House of Pain were all New York Irish, bar yesterday’s birthday born, DJ Lethal: who’s now with Limp Bizkit, and Latvian-American!


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