
Friday 23 December 2011

John Carpenter’s The Thing and X-Men: First Class

You know, I THINK I’m going to say a quick thank you to Nina, bless her!

She’s ever so thoughtfully sent me an early Christmas gift.

Something I know , as a southpaw, am definitely going to value: a pair of left handed scissors.

Thanking you, Nina!

I’m just mildly ashamed I’ve nowt to give in return, apart from some rather effusive thanks*!

But let’s move on, shall we … ?

After all, I started this, with the intention of telling you about movies …


I’ll be frank, bless him, I had Kevin D over, last night … !

And the pair of us managed to catch a film I know he was keen to share, X-Men: First Class.

Something I know I was happily pleased to see, although I’m not usually a fan of the Marvel franchised films.

X-Men: First Class sees Professor Xavier — played by James McAvoy — putting together a team of super-powered mutants — including a much younger Magneto, played by Michæl Fassbender — to help prevent the villainous Professor Smidt — beautifully over done by Kevin Bacon, there — trigger both the Cuban Missile Crisis, and — possibly — World War 3.

I think I can give you an idea of how much fun it was, by cutting straight to the stars …

X-Men: First Class
Paul: ★★☆☆
Kevin: ★★☆☆
Average: ★★☆☆


Then there’s the film I managed to treat myself to, tonight, as there was nothing else onº: John Carpenter’s The Thing.

And I’ll HAPPILY admit, this STILL looks impressive after almost thirty years!

The film sees Kurt Russell as MacReadyª, a helicopter pilot assigned to an isolated US base in the Antarctic, when, one otherwise quiet day sees a lost dog wander on to† the base.

A lost dog that’s being chased by two hysterical Norwegians in a chopper, with a lot of weaponry …


Now, I said John Carpenter’s The Thing was old … ?

Well, yes, it is … !

But of the two films I’ve seen most recently … ?

I’ll happily give it a better rating, I think, and let you make you mind up yourself …

John Carpenter’s The Thing
Paul: ★★★

* Because, if nothing else, I can prove a point or two at some right-handed friends, I know that much: it probably helps if I add tune from Mongrels

º Where are all the decent movies that turn up on TV, this time of year … ? No idea … ! Unless Sky TV’s paid a fortune for them!

ª Owner of possibly the most iconic hat in science-fiction.

Actually, Debbi, I’m currently re-reading Orwell’s 1984. Going by the liner notes, there was a huge amount of discussion between him, and his English and American publishers. All about ‘on to’; and whether it should be ‘on to’ or ‘onto’. Wilde had a point, I think …

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