
Tuesday 27 December 2011

The Planners Are Back … 

Hmmm …

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve written about Brentwood.

More to the point, it’s been a while since I’ve written about things going on in the immediate area of Brentwood that I live in.

But just to give you a quick summary?

My road — Rollason Way — is a recently built part of town.

So recent, bits of the other end of it are still going up.

And on top of that … ?

There’s on-going issues with the patch of greenery, just around the corner from me, in Saint James Road.

Something I know that I’ve written about before now.

(Just in case you haven’t the time? Many local residents complained about the proposed flats that were going to be put there, but now aren’t. A key objector who spoke out against it … was yours truly!)

But the situation looks like it’s STILL on-going.

As Brentwood Council has recently put up some more planning applications.

Have a look, here, at Proposal Ref: 11/01195/FUL.

Yep, someone wants to turn a patch of ground into MORE shops and offices.

Like we need them* … !

* Oh, no, wait … ! They want to add a CRECHE: so that makes it alright …

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