
Tuesday 27 December 2011

Rise Of The Planet of The Apes: Oook … And More Oook … !

Hmmm …

You know, I’ve said this before: and I’ll no doubt say it again.

But I’ve just had a quiet night in with a box of chocolates, and a movie.

And a reasonably impressive film, at that.

Although I’ll warn you to pay attention: I’ll be adding qualifications, later …

You see, the film I managed to catch, as a result of some Xmas gift money … ?

Was the 2011 film, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, with veteran motion-capture actor and performer, Andy Serkis, in the key role of super-intelligent chimp, Cæsar.


Rise Of The Planet of The Apes sees James Franco as geneticist Dr Will Rodman, a man working on a cure for Alzheimer’s Disease: and using experimental gene therapies on chimps to find what they can.

Of course, one day … ?

One, of course, things go wrong: and one chimp — called Bright Eyes — is killed, going berserk, after being altered with the experimental treatment.

It’s only after she’s killed that Rodman, along with the chimps handler find that Bright Eyes was defending baby.

A baby chimp that Rodman — in the wake of his project being cancelled — decides to smuggle put of the lab, take home …

And adopt …

Called Cæsar — and played by Andy Serkis — the ensuing years … see that baby chimp grow, and become increasingly intelligent.

Until one day, a neighbour of Rodman’s has an angry exchange with Rodman’s father, Charles, something that causes the watching Cæsar to defend ‘his’ family.

The resultant rehoming of the intelligent ape at a local ape sanctuary … ?

Is only the START of things …


Now …

What did I think of Rise Of The Planet of The Apes … ?

Well, I’m going to be frank, here, and tell you I’ll be giving it ★★½☆☆ on my usual scale.

As much I enjoyed it — and I’m also aware that Kevin D, bless him has seen it, and sounds like he’s of a similar opinion — I’m also thinking that there was possibly room for improvement.

Maybe that’s the wrong phrase.

You see, I’m very that the original 1968 film is not only one of the best loved bits of science fiction around, it, much like 2001: A Space Odyssey, are films have a certain measure of depth to them.

A depth that possible prequels, sequels and reboots would find had to match.

I’m also thinking that — as good as he is in Rise Of The Planet of The Apes — Andy Serkis isn’t exactly stretching himself for the part of Cæsar.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think anyone else could have done it.

I just happen to thing he gave a far superior performance in both Lord of the Rings and as Ian Dury in Sex ’n’ Drugs ’n’ Rock ’n’ Roll.


Now … ?

That possibly sounds like I’m damning Rise Of The Planet of The Apes with very faint praise.

Possibly true.

But while I may well be doing that … ?

I’m also aware that it’s not a total write off: it is, after all, a very well done film, with a lot more oomph to it than some, along with some fantastically well crafted action*.

Can you do me a favour, if you get the chance … ?

If your do see Rise Of The Planet of The Apes

Let me know what you think …

Rise Of The Planet of The Apes

* As Kevin D was just reminding me, the battle scenes around the Golden Gate Bridge are great set-pieces.

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