
Wednesday 28 December 2011

The Daily Teaser - 28-12-2011

*Yawning, frantically, Paul sat down at the keyboard and started typing … *

Hmm …

Yeah, that’s possibly about as descriptive as I’m going to get, I’m thinking!

But does manage to give you an idea about how I’ve been coping with a rather bad night.

To be frank … ?

I was up and down — either coughing, because of a cold, or heading for the bathroom — like a yoyo.

Or honeymooning couple.

Or elevator.

Feel free to pick a metaphor.

Any metaphor. Here’s the important bit: DON’T tell me which metaphor you picked. Now … You picked that one, didn’t you … ?

Yeah …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and — along with telling a little more of her late friend, Bill, and putting in this rather beautiful post — ALSO managing to bag 7 out of 7.*ª

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 28th December sees the Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran churches commemorate what … ?

Q2) 28th December, 1832, saw US Vice-President John C. Calhoun resign over States Rights: what did the C stand for … ?

Q3) 28th December, 1957, saw an English abattoir closed down, after an outbreak of what … ?

Q4) 28th December, 1065, saw the formal consecration of Westminster Abbey: what’s Westminster Abbey full name?

Q5) And finally … 28th December, 1879, saw the notorious collapse of the Tay Bridge: that bridge was between Wormit and which other Scottish city … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th December, 1977, saw the UK premiere of Star Wars: what do the film’s makers now call it … ?
A1) Star Wars Episode Four: A New Hope.

Q2) More to the point, who played Obi-wan Kenobi, in the recent prequels … ?
A2) Ewan McGregor.

Q3) Even more to the point, which Akira Kurosawa film does director George Lucas cite as a major influence on Star Wars?
A3) The Hidden Fortress: or 隠し砦の三悪人 (Kakushi toride no san akunin) in Japanese.

Q4) Moving on … 27th December, 2004, saw who’s party win the famously re-run Ukrainian General Election … ?
A4) Opposition leader, Viktor Yushchenko.

Q5) 27th December, 1949, saw which country granted independence by the Netherlands?
A5) Indonesia.

Q6) 27th December, 537 AD, saw the completion of which church?
A6) The Haghia Sophia, in Istanbul.

Q7) And finally … 27th December is Constitution Day in which Asian country … ?
A7) North Korea.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later…

* Blimey, genealogy … ? Now there’s a subject …

ª Actually, about Star Wars, Debbi: granted, Lucas might have picked up one or two ideas from Lord of the Rings: but I can’t help but think there’s more than a hint of a nod to Frank Herbert’s Dune, in there. Concern’s Herbert raised in the introduction to his short story collection, Eye. But here’s the man himself …


  1. Glad you liked the post! :) And that's a very interesting interview. It's been ages since I read Dune.

    1. St. Peter's Day
    2. Caldwell
    3. foot-and-mouth disease
    4. The Collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster
    5. Dundee

    I've put a short mention in my upcoming monthly column about travel I'm hoping to do this coming year. No promises, but guess where. ;)

  2. Ooooh …

    Now you’ll HAVE to let me know … !


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