
Thursday 29 December 2011

The Daily Teaser - 29-12-2011


Is something I couldn’t resist putting up, I really couldn’t!

Bless, Mum, and Ruth and Anna — my two sisters, so you know — and Jude had a visit, yesterday, from my Mum’s brother and his wife, yesterday. Complete, of course, with a belated couple of birthday presents for Jude.

Which, as it turned out … ?

Didn’t hold his attention as much as the cardboard box they were in … …


Let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — all on her ownsome — putting her answers: and, along with letting know about some proposed travel plans she’s thinking about*, ALSO bagging 4 out of 5.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) In an effort to stop a virulent strain of ’Flu, 29th December, 1997, saw Hong Kong start a cull of which bird?

Q2) 29th December, 1975, saw the UK introduce legislation to end what: sexual discrimination, racial discrimination or homophobic discrimination?

Q3) 29th December, 1845, saw what admitted as the 28th US State … ?

Q4) What had that state been, until then … ?

Q5) 29th December, 1986, saw the death of former British PM, Harold MacMillan: what was his nickname … ?

Q6) And finally … 29th December, 1940, was the date of the air-raid on London dubbed the Second Great Fire Of London: in which year was the first … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th December sees the Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran churches commemorate what … ?

Q2) 28th December, 1832, saw US Vice-President John C. Calhoun resign over States Rights: what did the C stand for … ?
A2) Caldwell.

Q3) 28th December, 1957, saw an English abattoir closed down, after an outbreak of what … ?
A3) Foot and Mouth disease. (Or Hoof and Mouth, for those of us of an American persuasion … )

Q4) 28th December, 1065, saw the formal consecration of Westminster Abbey: what’s Westminster Abbey full name?
A4) Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster.

Q5) And finally … 28th December, 1879, saw the notorious collapse of the Tay Bridge: that bridge was between Wormit and which other Scottish city … ?
A5) Dundee.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll leave you with a few words from birthday boy, Bernard Cribbinsº …

* I’ll start looking forward to that, Debbi! (And mopping the floor. And cleaning the oven.)

º Right Said Fred, in case it doesn’t show up, Debbi …

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my goodness. Don't go to a whole lot of trouble over me. :)

    You should see my office. Talk about a disaster area. And I used to be so organized. It's tragic. I'm telling ya.


    Think I'll go nail my head to the floor. LOL

    1. chickens
    2. sexual discrimination
    3. Texas
    4. the Republic of Texas
    5. Supermac or Mac the Knife
    6. 1666

    But I'm really looking forward to making the trip. That's my plan, anyway. :)


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