
Friday 3 February 2012

The Daily Teaser - 03-2-2012

Now, THIS’LL grab someone I know … !

As you’ve PROBABLY guessed, I like having Radio 4 on in the morning.

Mostly where I can write, without being distracted by visuals.

And at the moment … ?

The Today programme has just had a piece one on how loans from UK libraries have shifted genre.

People are taking out less romance.

And more crime novels.

I’m thinking at least ONE of my regular commentors will her ears picking up, there.

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, let’s … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Mr Strict — Freda, who’s my mother, so you know — all putting in her answers. With Debbi quietly letting everyone know she’ll offline* until Sunday, it saw both Debbi and Mr S bagging 5 out of five, and Freda bagging 3º.

Let’s see how people do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 3rd February, 1958, saw the founding of the Benelux Economic union: name any of the three countries in that union …

Q2) More to the point what was that a forerunner to … ?

Q3) 3rd February, 1966, saw the Soviet Union land a probe, where… ?

Q4) 3rd February, 1959, was the Day the Music Died: when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper died in a plane crash in Iowa. Who wrote the song, American Pie, about the Day the Music Died?

Q5) 3rd February, 1986, saw Pope John Paul 2nd visit Mother Teresa: in which Indian city … ?

Q6) And finally … 3rd February, 1989, saw the overthrow of Alfredo Strœssner: which South American country was Strœssner the dictator of … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd February, 2004, saw who named as the world’s No 1 men’s tennis player … ?
A1) Roger Federer.

Q2) 2nd February, 1922, saw the original publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses: in which city is Ulysses set … ?
A2) Dublin.

Q3) 2nd February, 1979, saw who found dead — of a Heroin overdose — in New York?
A3) Sid Vicious.

Q4) 2nd February, 1935, saw Leonarde Keeler test the world’s first what … ?
A4) Polygraph machine.

Q5) And finally … 2nd February, 1899, saw a conference of Australian politicians decide to put the Australian capital between Sydney and Melbourne: what’s the name of Australia’s capital … ?
A5) Canberra.
Enjoy those, everyone: as today’s the day the music died … ?

I’ll leave you with the genius that is Chantilly Laceª.

* Good luck with that seminar, Debbi! (You’ll be fine, as ever, I think.)

º She doesn’t get it from me … !

ª The Bopper’s death, in the same plane crash as Valens and Holly, is often forgotten about. But with Chantilly Lace … ? He gave a gift to pub singers and karaoke bars the world over.

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