
Saturday 10 March 2012

The Daily Teaser - 10-3-2012

You know, scanning tons of old family photos really DOES take it out of a boy … !

At least it has, me.

Frankly …

I never realised quite how many photos one family can build up, over the years … !

Honestly, it’s enough to make you look at silly Youtube videosª …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: and, after leaving a polite — and Marmitey — thanks, also asking if Jammie Dodgers were considered posh*, AND bagging 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 10th March, saw the defeat of which French leader, at the Battle of Laon … ?

Q2) 10th March, 1876, saw Alexander Graham Bell make the first telephone call: what did he say … ?

Q3) While we’re telephoning … 10th March, 1891, saw the patenting of the Strowger Switch, which allowed for automated phone exchanges: it’s inventor, Almon Strowger, was a what … ?

Q4) 10th March, 214BC, saw the end of the First Punic War: who won … ?

Q5) And finally … 10th March, 1977, saw astronomers discover rings around Uranus: name any of the three astronomers concerned …
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th March, 1009, saw the first mention — in records held by the monastery in Quedlinburg — of which European country … ?
A1) Lithuania.

Q2) 9th March, 2010, saw the first what take place in Washington DC: protest march, same sex marriages or open air concert?
A2) Same sex marriages.

Q3) 9th March, 1842, saw the first recorded discovery of what, in California … ?
A3) Gold.

Q4) 9th March, 1933, saw the US Congress passed the Emergency what Act of 1933?
A4) Banking/Banking relief

Q5) 9th March, 1973, saw the people of Northern Ireland vote to remain where … ?
A5) Part of the UK.

Q6) And finally … 9th March, 2011, saw what make its last landing … ?
A6) The Space Shuttle Discovery.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.

After I’ve left you with in the capable hands of birthday girl, Neneh Cherry …

* Well, they’re arguably posh, Debbi: but frankly, I’m thinking Garibaldis. Possibly the only brand of biscuit or cookie to be named after any kind of revolutionary. Unless Sainsburys, Wal-Mart or Tescos are doing a Trotsky Assortment they’re not telling us about …

ª Talking of which, you DO know it’s International Bagpipes Day, according to the Today show … ? Here …

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea about Garibaldi's. This blog is so educational. Tonight, I'm learning more of the fine points about British biscuits. Very cool. :)

    1. Napoleon
    2. "Mr. Watson -- come here -- I want to see you."
    3. undertaker
    4. Rome
    5. James L. Elliot, Edward W. Dunham, and Douglas J. Mink


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