
Monday 12 March 2012

The Daily Teaser - 12-3-2012

You know, I’ve got to admit to still yawning, at the moment.

Why, I don’t know, but I couldn’t sleep a wink, last night.

I mean, it’s not as if I had an especially late night.

Just the usual family dinner, over at my mothers.

Complete, I should add, with my nephew, Jude.

And I swear blind, he actually managed to say the word Daisy, last night.

Long story, I think: but one of the character’s in his favourite tv show, In The Night Garden, is called Upsy Daisy*, just so you know … !

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ? Before I start tell you about the songs …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — her latest book, Riptideº, is out now — putting in her answers: and, along with admitting she’s now the Riptide Launch Party resident DJ‡, ALSO bagging 6 out of 6.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Teaser, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video
Q1) 12th March, 1622, saw the canonization of Ignatius of Loyola and Frances Xavier: which Catholic order had they founded … ?

Q2) 12th March, 1921, saw the Turkish Grand Assembly adopt Turkey’s National Anthem: what’s its name … ?

Q3) 12th March, 1984, saw the start of a year long strike by which British workers: carmakers, miners or steel-workers?

Q4) 12th March, 1994, saw the first women ordained as Church of England priests: what was the name of the first woman ordained in the Anglican Communion?

Q5) And finally … 12th March, 1964, saw Jimmy Hoffa sentenced to 8 years in prison, on bribery charges: which US union did he lead … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th March, 2011, saw an earthquake strike, just off the coast of Japan. In addition to the inevitable tsunami, this triggered the world’s second largest nuclear disaster: at which plant … ?
A1) The Fukushima plant.

Q2) 11th March, 2010, saw three earthquakes hit Chile, during the swearing in of the newly elected Chilean president: what was his name? (And don’t tell him about portents …)
A2) Sebastián Piñera.

Q3) 11th March, 1985, saw who named as the leader of the USSR … ?
A3) Mikhail Gorbachev.

Q4) More to the point, what was that leader’s title … ?
A4) General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. (Or Генеральный секретарь ЦК КПСС, if you’re Russian …)

Q5) 11th March, 1872, saw the construction of which Welsh Colliery?
A5) The Seven Sisters.

Q6) And finally … 11th March, 1927, saw Samuel Rothafel open the theatre he named after himself: what was that theatre … ?
A6) The Roxy. (He used his nickname for it.)
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you after I’ve pointed you to Liza Minelli’s — as Sally Bowles — performing Mein Herr†: it is her birthday.

* And, yes, that’s Derek Jacobi doing the narration and song, there …

º Hmmm … Any idea when the print edition’s out, Debbi? Not have a Kindleª is … annoying, at times like these …

ª Or an iPad with the Kindle app! I WANT an iPad … !!!!!!!!!!

So long as we don’t end up like celebrity DJ’s, Smashie and Nicey, we SHOULD we ok, Debbi …

That’s quite a routine to watch: Liza Minelli had — and still has — quite a girly figure! And just in CASE anyone’s getting jealous? I have to admit, I saw an interview she did, a couple of years ago, now, about Cabaret: apparently, the chair she’s dancing on was nailed to the stage, as she couldn’t clamber about on it … without falling off …

1 comment:

  1. Right: I’m going to apologise to Debbi, now, as I managed to accidentally delete her comment!

    “Come to think of it, Amazon has free Kindle reading software for PC, but I'm not sure about Mac.

    There will be a print edition. Promise! :)

    Thanks for spreading the word about the launch. :)

    And I hope things went well at the planning board meeting.

    1. The Society of Jesus, aka the Jesuits
    2. The Independence March, aka The İstiklâl Marşı
    3. miners
    4. Angela Berners-Wilson
    5. the Teamsters ”


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