
Tuesday 20 March 2012

We Need To Talk About Kevin: Whoah … Just WHOAH … !

20th March, 2012: the Introduction.

With one thing and another, I’ve not managed to catch up with many movies, recently.

When I have … ?

I’ve GOT to admit to not having been grabbed completely enough to start writing about them, the minute I’ve turned off the tv: or got in the door, in the case of Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy.

Tonight, though … ?

Tonight, after leafleting most of my estate, shopping, scanning photos, what-have-you, I’ve sat down with a copy of We Need To Talk About Kevin.

I’ll admit to not having seen any of the potential rival films, bar Tinker, Tailor Soldier, Spy, and Black Swan, but have to ask: how on God’s Green EARTH did We Need To Talk About Kevin NOT get a mention at this year’s Oscars … ?

Dear LORD … !


Let me try and summarise, shall I … ?

Told in flashbacks, We Need To Talk About Kevin sees Tilda Swinton as Eva, former travel writer, moving both house and job, after her son — the Kevin of the title — commits a Columbine-style, High school massacre.

With much of the film’s flashback sequences showing us Eva’s fraught relationship with her son, over the course of the years: until the inevitable happens, and Kevin massacres his fellow students.

And his father and sister … … … … … …


Now …

Is this a good film … ?

Oh, my WORD, isn’t it just … !

Can I be frank, here … ?

We Need To Talk About Kevin … ?

Go get some clothes on, rush out to Blockbusters/iTunes/LoveFilm, and go buy a copy … !
We Need To Talk About Kevin.


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