
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Outcast: Blood, Guts, and really OLD magic

Whoah, now, hang on a bloody minute … !

And, yes, before anyone says anything … ?

I know perfectly well I’m possibly repeating myself, there.

But I’ve just finished watching the 2010, Colm McCarthy film, Outcast, and I’m VERY impressed … 

Oh, LORDY, aren’t I just … !

But let me take a deep breath, here, quickly.

Before I tell you I have to admit to having had a quiet night in, tonight.

Quiet … 

But not necessarily unentertaining.

Especially as I’d managed to pick up a copy of the gritty little horror film, Outcast.*

Outcast sees Irish traveller, Mary and her son, Fergal, moving into an Edinburgh estate: with Mary seemingly being both very protective of her son: and very keen to protect him from Cathal, his estranged father — played by James Nesbitt, possibly the biggest name in the filmº.

And Cathal … ?

Cathal has gone to great lengths to make sure he can trace both Fergal, Mary and something he refers to as the beast.

Things start to come to a head when Fergal becomes romantically involved with the girl next door, Petronella.

Teen hormones, eh … ?


Now … ?

Am I going to do what I did with Pontypool, and start raving like billy-oh, about Outcast … ?

Hell, no.

You see, by the almost magical power of text messaging, I already have … !

You see, Outcast is one of those rarely seen things, I think: a fresh little Britflick of a … 

No, wait, scrub that … !

You see, Outcast is one of those rarely seen things, I think: a fresh and beautiful little Celtic Tiger^ of a film that deserves to get much more of an airing than I think it already has.

One that’s deeply sensuous, with roots in Celtic mythology — as far as I can gather — and planted very much in the modern world.

Can I make a suggestion, here … ?

Go get Outcast.

I think it’ll some of the best money you’ll spend … 


*        99p to rent on iTunes, or £5.99 to buy: with the dvd version being £4•00 to buy on Amazon.

º        With the exception of Karen Gillan in a minor role, for those of us watching out for these things.

^        As it was financed by a mixture of money from Scotland and the Irish Republic, rather than from English or UK film funds.

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