
Wednesday 11 April 2012

Apple taking technical, legal action against Flashback malware | Macworld

Apple taking technical, legal action against Flashback malware | Macworld

Right, HERE we go … 

I’ll happily admit to being something of a Mac fanboi: and what’s more, one that doesn’t usually like mentioning the M word.

But let’s be frank, here, malware gets everywhere: including on the usually untouched OS X platform.

As you’re probably aware, I’ve already highlighted the fact that a cross-platform nasty has been doing the rounds just recently.

But I also thought I should post a link to the above report from MacWorld: highlighting Apple’s announcement that they’ll be “developing software that will detect and remove the Flashback malware.”: further more, “In addition to the Java vulnerability, the Flashback malware relies on computer servers hosted by the malware authors to perform many of its critical functions. Apple is working with ISPs worldwide to disable this command and control network.”.

Have fun with that, folks: keep yourself covered.

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