
Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 31-7-2013: Battling Romans

Oh … 

I have to admit, I got a mention in an article, in last week’s Gazette: about anti-social behaviour in my street.

Frankly … ?

Well, frankly, I was expecting something of a riot in This weeks letters page.

Still … 

I can’t complain, too much.   They have publish one of my other letters … !

Ahem … !

At any rate, today’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s questions, covered by the usual Creative Commons License* … 
Q1) 31st July, 30 BC, saw the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian fight the Battle of Alexandria.   Who won that battle?
Q2) What was Mark Antony’s name: in Latin … ?
Q3) Mark Antony eventually went on to lose the Battle of Actium, to Octavian.   Was that a naval or land battle … ?
Q4) Which Egyptian queen was Mark Antony famously allied to … ?
Q5) That queen famously lost that battle: and committed suicide by apply a poisonous what to her breast … ?
Q6) As a result of winning the latter battle, Octavian became the first Roman Emperor: under what name do we (usually) know him … ?
Q7) More to the point, under what title did Octavian assume sole power: Consul, Magister or Princeps … ?
Q8) Famously, Octavian had been adopted by whom … ?
Q9) Name either of Shakespeare’s plays about this period of Roman history.
Q10) Finally … Who played Mark Antony in the 2005 BBC series, ‘Rome’: Jude Law, James Purefoy or Ciarán Hinds … ?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers.
Q1) 24th July saw the discovery of the lost city of Machu Picchu.   In which year of the 20th century: 1910, 1911 or 1912?
Q2) More to the point, by a man called Hiram Bingham the what: 3rd, 4th or 5th … ?
Q3) Which Native American empire was Machu Picchu a part of: Aztec, Toltec or Incan … ?
Q4) The Empires in Q3 had a calendar that predicted the end of the world on 21st December of which year … ?
Q5) The heart of that empire was in what’s now which country: Peru, Mexico or Ecuador … ?
Q6) Machu Picchu translates into English as what: Tall Peak, Young Peak or Old Peak … ?
Q7) Either way, Machu Picchu is on a peak: in which mountain range … ?
Q8) What was the name of the Conquistador who brought down the empire Machu Picchu was part of … ?
Q9) What European country were the Conquistadors from … ?
Q10) What’s the name of the — rather violent — Mel Gibson directed film about Native South American empires … ?
A1) 1911.
A2) Hiram Bingham 3rd.
A3) The Incan Empire.
A4) 2012.
A5) Peru.
A6) Old Peak.
A7) The Andes.
A8) Francisco Pizzaro.
A9) Spain.
A10) Apocalypto.
Enjoy those.

I’ll catch you later.

*        Regulars will know already: but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site would be appreciated.

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