
Thursday 1 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 1-8-2013: I Want My MTV

Have you ever had a really late night … ?

So late, it’s actually finished at some point in the morning … ?

I’ve had — for assorted reasons — a late night that’s finished in the morning.

And, ok, I feel vaguely tired … but also like I’ve had a very enjoyable evening.

Hmmm … 

Let’s leave that there, shall we?

Before I say a bit too much … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Pink Fluff putting in their answers: with Debbi bagging three out of five and Fluff, two, it also saw Debbi* thinking me for some advice I’d offered, and Fluff† telling us that Simon, her Bear, thoroughly enjoyed his recent trip to Iceland.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s MTV questions, shall we?

Here they Are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 1st August saw MTV begin its US — and world — broadcasts.   In which year of the 1980s … ?
Q2) Which Buggles song was the first to air on the station … ?
Q3) Which Herbie Hancock song was one of the first — by a black artist — to get heavy airplay on MTV … ?
Q4) Which Dire Straits song includes the line “I Want My MTV” … ?
Q5) Finally … What — at least initially — was ‘MTV’ short for … ?
Here’s yesterday’s question and answers …
Q1) 31st July, 781, saw the first recorded eruption of which volcano … ?
A1) Mount Fuji.
Q2) 31st July, 1987, saw the British Attorney General announce he would be suing the Sunday Telegraph.   Over which book … ?
A2) Spycatcher.
Q3) 31st July, 1588, saw which fleet spotted off the coast of England … ?
A3) The Spanish Armada.
Q4) 31st July, 1970, was Black Tot Day: the last day that what was issued to the British Navy … ?
A4) The Rum Ration.
Q5) Finally … 31st July, 2012, saw Michael Phelps become the holder of the most Olympic Gold medals: how many swimming golds does he hold … ?
A5) 18.
I’ll leave you with this advertising slogan from MTV …
“You’ll never look at music the same way again”
MTV’s first advertising slogan.
And with You Better Run, by Pat Benatar: the second video shown on MTV … 

Have a good day … 

*        I’m just glad I could help, Debbi!   Let me know how that goes … !

†        It was Spycatcher, Fluff.   Which hasn’t got anything about Icelandic volcanoes … 


  1. 1. 1982
    2. Video killed the radio star
    3. -
    4. -
    5. Music Television

    The book only had to be controversial; the volcanoes related to Q1. There is good salmon fishing to please a bear, but occasionally polar bears come a-viking.

  2. Hey, Paul! It's been an exhausting day, but I'm glad I was able to squeeze in this teaser.

    1. 1981
    2. Video Killed the Radio Star
    3. Rockit
    4. Money for Nothing
    5. Music Television

    I could go for a Jammie Dodger right now! :)


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