
Thursday 11 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 11-7-2013

Hmmm … 

Looks like changing your personality can be doable.

I have last night’s episode of Horizon on in the background: all about exactly how changeable one’s personality is.

Michæl Mosley, the presenter … ?   He’s currently interviewing scientists about discordant identical twins: in this one case, identical twins where one develops depression, but the other doesn’t.

Which is fascinating stuff.

Personally, though … ?   I’m hoping to see more on the meditation aspects of the programme: turns out the presenter has trouble sleeping, and is using it to see it can help.

Like I say, fascinating stuff … !

But let’s move on, shall we?   Before I get too distracted … !


Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet: with no-one trying out the set.

Let’s see who we can interest in today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 11th July, 1895, saw the Lumière Brothers demonstrate film — to scientists — for the first time.   Their first public screening was in which month of 1895 … ?
Q2) 11th July, 2000, saw an HIV conference in South Africa announce a vaccine would be tested: in which country … ?
Q3) 11th July, 1971, saw Chile nationalize its copper mines.   What’s the chemical symbol for Copper … ?
Q4) 11th July, 1921, saw William H. Taft sworn in as US Chief Justice.   What important federal post had he held, between 1909 and 1913 … ?
Q5) And finally … 11th July, 1899, saw the birth of writer, E. B. White.   Which of his children’s novels features a pig called Wilbur … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th July, 1903, saw the birth of English science fiction writer, John Wyndham.   Who famously described his work as ‘cosy catastrophes’: Brian Aldiss, Iain M Banks or Arthur C. Clarke … ?
A1) Brian Aldiss.
Q2) 10th July, 138 AD, saw the death of Emperor Hadrian: what was the name of the (male) Greek youth he had a relationship with … ?
A2) Antinous.
Q3) 10th July, 1980, saw which palace burn down: for the second time … ?
A3) Alexandra Palace.
Q4) 10th July, 1978, saw Moktar Ould Daddah deposed in a bloodless coup.   As president of where … ?
A4) Mauritania.
Q5) Finally … 10th July, 1985, saw the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior: whilst in harbour in which country … ?
A5) New Zealand.
I’ll leave you with this tune from Bauhaus, as it’s frontman, Pete Murphy’s, birthday … 

And with this quote …
“I’ve always thought of the T-shirt as the Alpha and Omega of the fashion alphabet.”
Giorgio Armani born 11 July 1934
Have a good day … !


  1. Speaking of T-shirts, I think you'll approve of mine. At least, I would hope so. :)

    1. December
    2. Uganda
    3. Cu
    4. 27th President of the United States
    5. Charlotte's Web

    And, yes, I'm back!!!! :D

  2. 1. May :p
    2. North Korea :p
    3. Cu (I know that one)
    4. President
    5. Charlotte's Web


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