
Friday 12 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 12-7-2013: The (In)Glorious Twelfth … 

You know, in amongst the adverts for the Proms, it sounds like Radio 4’s carried one piece of news that caught me.

At least, one that caught me, as am ex-smoker*.

It seems the government has announced delaying plain packaging for cigarettes.

Seemingly the main objections are the effect it will have on jobs — can’t see how, frankly — and having more time for consultation,

Hmmm … 

This is going to cause arguments: for quite some time.   Either way … ?   I personally can’t help but think we need to see how the various ‘behind-the-counter’ sales regulations work.   As well as remembering that we don’t have fancy packaging on medicated heroin.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw a welcomed back Debbi putting in her answers.

Along with letting us know she’s back†, she also bagged four out of five, AND wrote this post.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 12th July is a day of parades in Northern Island: the province is also known as which ‘U’ … ?
Q2) Those parades are notoriously fractious: and usually organized by which quasi-masonic order … ?
Q3) Which 17th Century battle do the parades mark … ?
Q4) That battle was led by two rival claimants to the thrones of Britain: name either claimant.
Q5) 12th July, 1986, saw riots provoked by the parades held in which Armagh town … ?
Q6) Finally … 12th July saw three children killed in an arson attack, linked to the parades.   In which town … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th July, 1895, saw the Lumière Brothers demonstrate film — to scientists — for the first time.   Their first public screening was in which month of 1895 … ?
A1) December.
Q2) 11th July, 2000, saw an HIV conference in South Africa announce a vaccine would be tested: in which country … ?
A2) The UK.
Q3) 11th July, 1971, saw Chile nationalize its copper mines.   What’s the chemical symbol for Copper … ?
A3) Cu.
Q4) 11th July, 1921, saw William H. Taft sworn in as US Chief Justice.   What important federal post had he held, between 1909 and 1913 … ?
A4) US president.
Q5) And finally … 11th July, 1899, saw the birth of writer, E. B. White.   Which of his children’s novels features a pig called Wilbur … ?
A5) Charlotte’s Web.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Their ideology is important. Can they work in a post-peace process Northern Ireland? Oddly enough I think it does work. If multiculturalism is accepting different cultures, then they slot right into that model … [but] they're definitely not going to work well in an integrated rather than a multicultural Northern Ireland.”
Dr Eric Kaufman.
And with The Fall’s I Am Curious Oranj, all about the reign of a certain king … 

Have a good day … 

*        Actually, did I tell you … ?   I passed the two year mark, a couple of days ago.   I feel rather pleased about that.   It’s just a shame there’s not someone handing out these … 

†        Nice to see you back, Debbi: and yes, the t-shirt’s definitely eye-catching … ! :D


  1. Thanks, Paul! :) Glad you like the shirt. I'm wearing the Johnny Rotten at this moment, with my TARDIS necklace. Your books are on the way!

    1. Ulster
    2. the Orangemen
    3. the Battle of the Boyne
    4. William of Orange and James II
    5. Portadown
    6. Ballymoney

  2. 1. Oh, Northern IREland. That helps. Ulster.
    2. Orangemen
    3. Boyne
    4. William the Orange and either James II or a pretender.
    5. & 6. The Northern Irish are beyond the Pale.

    Much as I hate smoking, I do miss purple silk on the backs of magazines.

    You could follow the suggestion of a coin on your webpage. But would it remind you of the evil weed?


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