
Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 16-7-2013:The Day Of The Bomb

It has to be said, THAT was funny … !

I’ll be frank, I had ANOTHER bad night, trying to get to sleep, last night.

The weather has been rather hot: to the point of being very uncomfortable, of an evening.

Seriously hot, actually: to the point where I’ve had my windows open, all night.

So what’s helped, this morning … ?

Is simply the fact that I realised I’d missed last night’s episode of I’m Sorry. I Haven’t A Clue: and managed to catch up on the BBC’s iPlayer service.

I’m grateful I did: that show’s enough to put a smile on ANYONE’S face … !

Let’s move on, shall we?   I’m sure you can look the show up … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with letting us know she’s thoroughly enjoying a big jar of Marmite*†, ALSO managed to bag six out of six.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s teaser, shall we?

Here it is, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 16th July, 1945, saw the US Army conduct the world’s first nuclear bomb test.   What was it called: Unity, Trinity or Lunacy … ?
Q2) Which of the nuclear devices dropped on Japan was based on this test design: the one on Nagasaki or Hiroshima … ?
Q3) What name was given to the test device: widget, gadget or doodad … ?
Q4) What was the name of the US government project that carried out the test … ?
Q5) Finally … In which year was the first Soviet nuclear bomb test … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 15th July, 1983, saw the launch of the NES games console: possibly the best selling console of the time.   What does NES stand for … ?
A1) Nintendo Entertainment System.
Q2) 15th July, 2003, saw Time Warner disband the Netscape Corporation.   What’s the name of the web browser that is the Mozilla Foundation’s — Netscape’s replacement — best known product … ?
A2) Firefox.
Q3) More to the point, what’s the name of Mozilla’s email client … ?
A3) Thunderbird.
Q4) 15th July, 1927, saw eighty-nine protestors shot by police: in which Austrian city … ?
A4) Vienna.
Q5) 15th July is, of course, Saint Swithin’s Day: he of rain fame.   Which Hampshire town had he been a bishop of … ?
A5) Winchester.   (According to the hoary old legend, if it rains, today, it’ll rain for another forty days.)
Q6) Finally … 15th July, 1971, saw the UK’s government endorse a cull of seal pups.   Off the coast of which (then) English county … ?
A6) Lincolnshire.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this quote …
“It worked!”Attributed to J. Robert Oppenheimer, immediately after the test.
And with this song … 

*        I always get the biggest jar possible, Debbi: the one I’ve got, is big.   The REALLY big ones … ?   Are huge … !

†        Oh, did you not manage to back things up, Debbi … ?   I don’t know quite what the equivalent is, on the PC, but I’ve always used Time Machine, in conjunction with an external hard-drive.   (That’s it, with the blue light on it.)


  1. You know, I'm seriously thinking of switching to a Mac. Honestly!

    I'll keep you apprised. :)

    1. Trinity
    2. Nagasaki
    3. gadget
    4. the Manhattan Project
    5. 1949

    Marmite is truly awesome, isn't it? Yum! Right up there with red velvet cupcakes! And Jammie Dodgers.

    BTW, I've started reading William Gibson's Neuromancer. Wow! I like it.

  2. 1. Called Unity, was lunacy :-p
    2. The one dropped on Hello Kitty
    3. gadget I'm guessing; a widget makes canned beer froth.
    4. Insanity
    5. 1917 :-p

    Is Lincolnshire not a county? I hope it's still a sausage. I like Lincolnshire sausages.

    My time machine is teeny-tiny.


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