
Wednesday 17 July 2013

The Daily Teaser — 17-7-2013


I’m stressed.

You can’t tell, can you … ?

There’s a reason, too: frankly, my fridge freezer is OFFICIALLY on the blink.

It’s last legs.

Dying … !

Hopefully, I should be able get some help for that, from SOMEWHERE.

But this is where unemployment is really not good.   With all the help that’s available, you can (JUST) about survive it: JUST.

You just hope like hell you don’t get an emergency that needs a large bulk sum of money … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Sausage Fluff putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five and Sausage scoring two, the day also saw Debbi telling us she’d started reading Neuromancer*, and Sausage confessing she had a thing for Lincolnshire Sausages†.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 17th July, 1899, saw the founding of the NEC Corporation.   What does NEC stand for … ?
Q2) 17th July, 1917, saw George 5th change the royal family’s surname … to what … ?
Q3) 17th July, 2009, saw two hotels bombed in Jakarta: in which country is Jakarta … ?
Q4) 17th July, 1952, saw the birth of actor and singer, David Hasselhoff.   In which series did he play Mitch Buchanan … ?
Q5) Finally … 17th July, 1979, saw rebels capture the capital city of Nicaragua: what’s that capital called … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th July, 1945, saw the US Army conduct the world’s first nuclear bomb test.   What was it called: Unity, Trinity or Lunacy … ?
A1) Trinity.
Q2) Which of the nuclear devices dropped on Japan was based on this test design: the one on Nagasaki or Hiroshima … ?
A2) Nagasaki.
Q3) What name was given to the test device: widget, gadget or doodad … ?
A3) The Gadget.
Q4) What was the name of the US government project that carried out the test … ?
A4) The Manhattan Project.
Q5) Finally … In which year was the first Soviet nuclear bomb test … ?
A5) 1949.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this thought from German Chancellor, Angela Merkel …
“The Freedom Bell in Berlin is, like the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, a symbol which reminds us that freedom does not come about of itself. It must be struggled for and then defended anew every day of our lives.”
Angela Merkel, born born 17 July 1954.
And, as we’re being German, this tune from birthday boy, and former Kraftwerker, Wolfgang Flür … 

*        God knows why, Debbi‡, but I have to admit, I have a bit of a thing about The Finn: he’ll turn up in a bit.   I always had a thing about wizards: metaphorical or otherwise … 

†        Oh, Sausage: don’t forget to let Debbi know you’ve got a Mac … !

‡        Actually, Debbi, did I ever tell you that — as far as I know — William Gibson’s a leftie … ?   (Which is also why — again, as far as I know — he’s always got a Mac, over the years.   I’ve said this before, but that one-button mouse is a bloody revelation … !)


  1. Lefties rule! :) My mom was a leftie. A bit crazy, but hey ... no one's perfect, right? :)

    1. Nippon Electric Company
    2. Mountbatten
    3. Indonesia
    4. Baywatch
    5. Managua

  2. 1. National Exhibition Centre (that's what the NEC in Birmingham stands for)
    2. Windsor
    3. India
    4. Baywatch
    5. "N"

    Yes I do have a Mac, and The Sims is as stroppy on it as on a PC. It's definitely The Sims games that are to blame - too many expansion packs, and too many bugs.

  3. I thought when you said "leftie", you meant politically left-wing, but you mean left handed, right? I would say Simon is ambi-pawed, but I think he's equally good with all 4 paws, as well as with eyes, ears and nose. That makes 9, but he can play the piano well, so do you think he has a 10th appendage? I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a tail, even though most bears do.
    I use the Mac mouse with 2 buttons; the games won't work with only 1 button.

  4. Fluff you do know that the games will work: if, when you need the equivalent of a right click, you use the Mac’s default ctrl=click … ?

    I do it with most of the gamers I use

  5. Sims said absolutely not - must have 2 buttons. Besides, I'm used to 2 buttons - there's no point in confusing me.

  6. Well, that’s bloody odd, then: most software I’ve come across maps right-click actions to ctrl-click, by default.

    Including MS Office

  7. Hmmm … 

    Have you tried it through your Guest account … ?

    I’m curious, now


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