
Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Brentwood Gazette Weekly Teaser — 7-8-2013: Mauthausen

Oh, well … THAT’S good.

Looks like my most recent letter has been published in this weeks Gazette.

Mostly about antisocial behaviour in the area.

It has to be said: that eve the Gazette agrees with me.

Well, actually, no: it probably doesn’t.

But it does — on it’s website — report on an drugs raid in my street: in which no arrests were made.

That … ?   Possibly warrants me writing another letter … !


At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, today is Wednesday.   Which means, of course, that it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser, with something of a somber theme, this week.

Here’s this week’s questions: covered by the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) 7th August saw construction begin on the Mauthausen Concentration Camp: in which year of the 1930s … ?
Q2) In which European country was Mauthausen … ?
Q3) Mauthausen was intended as one of the toughest camps possible, and labelled what: Grade One, Two or Three … ?
Q4) The camp was physically built by inmates from which camp: Dachau, Buchenwald or Belsen … ?
Q5) Which famous Nazi hunter was a survivor of Mauthausen … ?
Q6) Brian Stonehouse was one of the few British prisoners of the camp: captured on a mission for which wartime organisation … ?
Q7) Jewish people were famously persecuted in camps like Mauthausen.   Along with members of which nomadic ethnic group … ?
Q8) Mauthausen was notoriously used as a source of slave labour for German companies, making over how many Reichsmarks: ten million, eleven million or twelve million … ?
Q9) Which German pharmaceutical company had a factory in the Mauthausen camp … ?
Q10) Finally … what’s the legal term for the sort of mass murder practiced at German concentration camps … ?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 31st July, 30 BC, saw the forces of Mark Antony and Octavian fight the Battle of Alexandria.   Who won that battle?
Q2) What was Mark Antony’s name: in Latin … ?
Q3) Mark Antony eventually went on to lose the Battle of Actium, to Octavian.   Was that a naval or land battle … ?
Q4) Which Egyptian queen was Mark Antony famously allied to … ?
Q5) That queen famously lost that battle: and committed suicide by apply a poisonous what to her breast … ?
Q6) As a result of winning the latter battle, Octavian became the first Roman Emperor: under what name do we (usually) know him … ?
Q7) More to the point, under what title did Octavian assume sole power: Consul, Magister or Princeps … ?
Q8) Famously, Octavian had been adopted by whom … ?
Q9) Name either of Shakespeare’s plays about this period of Roman history.
Q10) Finally … Who played Mark Antony in the 2005 BBC series, ‘Rome’: Jude Law, James Purefoy or Ciarán Hinds … ?
A1) Mark Antony.
A2) Marcus Antonius.
A3) Naval.
A4) Cleopatra 7th.
A5) Poisonous snake: sources vary as to whether it was an asp, or cobra.
A6) Augustus.   (Although his name as Princeps was ‘Imperator Cæsar Divi Filius Augustus’: roughly ‘The Revered Commander who’s the Son of The God, Cæsar’ … If I’ve got that right.)
A7) Princeps.   (If I’ve understood things correctly, the term translates as ‘First Amongst Equals’, or ‘First Citizen’.)
A8) Julius Cæsar.
A9) ‘Anthony and Cleopatra’ and ‘Julius Cæsar’.
A10) James Purefoy.
Links are — as ever — on the Gazette’s version of the questions.

Enjoy those: I’ll catch you later … 

*        Regulars will know already: but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site would be appreciated.

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