
Monday 5 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 5-8-2013: Marilyn

OK, it’s a picture of Marilyn Monroe … !

That’s because today’s a Themed Teaser day: possibly something I’ll have to develop a silly phrase for.

At ANY rate … ?

At any rate, I’m still feeling vague shocked: after last night’s announce that the twelfth Doctor is to be Peter Capaldi.

For one thing … ?   When did you last see the bookies favourite come in … ?

Saying that … ?

Saying that, I think Capaldi’s an absolutely perfect choice.

Congratulations to him.   And good luck to Matt Smith, who has done very well in the role*.

Let’s move on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s teaser saw Debbi‡ putting in her answers: along with letting us know she’ll be offline for a while, she also bagged six out of six.

So … Given Debbi will be offline for a while, let’s see who we can tempt with today’s themed questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 5th August, 1962, saw the death of Marilyn Monroe: in which 1948 film did she make her first (credited) appearance … ?
Q2) The first film she made with John Huston was called The Asphaltwhat … ?
Q3) Marilyn famously sung I Wanna Be Loved By You in which film … ?
Q4) What name had Marilyn been born under … ?
Q5) Finally … The coroner listed Marilyn’s death as a probable … what … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 4th August, 70 AD, saw the destruction of the Jewish Second Temple: in which Middle Eastern city was that temple … ?
A1) Jerusalem.
Q2) More to the point, who was Roman Emperor at the time: Vespasian, Titus or Claudius … ?
A2) Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus: but just plain old Vespasian will do … !
Q3) That Emperor’s son commanded the Roman legions that destroyed the Temple.   What was his name: Titus, Commodus or Titian … ?
A3) Titus.
Q4) Which Jewish king built — or rebuilt — the Second Temple: Herod Antipas, Herod Archelaus or Herod the Great … ?
A4) Herod The Great.
Q5) The original Temple was built — in part — to house which holy chest … ?
A5) The Ark of the Covenant.
Q6) Finally … what’s the only part of the Temple still standing … ?
A6) The Wailing, or Western, Wall.
Enjoy those: I’ll leave you with this thought …
“That’s the trouble, a sex symbol becomes a thing. But if I’m going to be a symbol of something, I’d rather it be sex than some of the things we’ve got symbols of …”
Marilyn Monroe June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962.
And with this song.

Enjoy the day … 

*        It literally has just occurred to me.   Matt Smith has done well in the role.   Incredibly so, I think.   I’m also very aware that Steven Moffat said, in a filmed interview for last night’s live announcement show, that he’d had Capaldi in mind for the part, in replacing David Tennant.   Which makes sense of the scripts he’s written for the 11th Doctor: I feel that the choice of companions — an older Doctor, with a younger male companion capable of dealing with the action, and female companion as love interest for the younger male, and a granddaughter† — is one that’s not been seen in the show for some fifty years.   That’s something for the the section of fans who’ve thrown so much flack at Steven Moffat to think about.

†        Who, granted, is River Song … !

‡        I hope it’s nothing to serious, Debbi … !

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Paul! One last teaser before I head off to Portland, OR.

    Then, I'm staying offline for the most part.

    Need some down time, if you know what I mean. :)

    1. Ladies of the Chorus
    2. Jungle
    3. Some Like It Hot
    4. Norma Jeane Mortenson
    5. suicide


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