
Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Daily Teaser — 6-8-2013: The World Wide Web … !

You know, I think the Cyberpunk future’s getting nearer.

The idea — in several different novel, William Gibson being most prominent — is that the future would be grittier, grimier and a hell of a lot more expensive.

And one in which all sorts of technology would be easily harnessed: the internet — appropriately, given today’s them — amongst them.

Body part replacements another: whether by artificial parts, or artificial made organic replacements.

Then there’s other things.   After all, the logical extension of artificially grown organs for surgery … is artificially grown food.

Like the grown in the lab, stem cell burger announced, yesterday.

I know shades of artificial human organs are possible: and realise for many that’s a very worthwhile thing.

I think stem cell burgers — and other such foods — will be, too.   After a lot of arguing … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* — squeezing in one last teaser before she heads off to Oregon — putting in her answers: AND bagging five out of five.

Let’s see — while she’s off — who’s interested in today’s themed questions, shall we?

Here they are: along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 6th August saw Sir Tim Berners-Lee release the code that formed the basis of the World Wide Web.   In which year of the 1990s … ?
Q2) At which lab was Sir Tim working at the time: JPL, CERN or Goonhilly Downs … ?
Q3) Many web addresses start with the prefix, http: what does the p stand for … ?
Q4) Berners-Lee’s first web server — the computer use to host the first web pages — was as computer produced by which Steve Jobs led company … ?
Q5) Finally … Sir Tim’s first web browser was called WorldWideWeb.   What was the name of the ‘world’s first popular browser’ … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th August, 1962, saw the death of Marilyn Monroe: in which 1948 film did she make her first (credited) appearance … ?
A1) Ladies Of The Chorus.
Q2) The first film she made with John Huston was called The Asphaltwhat … ?
A2) Jungle.
Q3) Marilyn famously sung I Wanna Be Loved By You in which film … ?
A3) Some Like It Hot.   (It’s an entertaining film: but I always think of the Power Station song … )
Q4) What name had Marilyn been born under … ?
A4) Norma Jean Mortensen.
Q5) Finally … The coroner listed Marilyn’s death as a probable … what … ?
A5) Suicide.
I’ll leave you with this tune from Kraftwerk: it seemed appropriate, somehow.

And with this thought from Sir Tim Berners-Lee, himself …
“I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas and — ta-da!— the World Wide Web.”
Sir Tim Berners-Lee.
Have a good day … 

*        Give my regards to Nancy and the family, and Rick, Debbi!   And enjoy the time off.

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