
Thursday 26 September 2013

The Daily Teaser — 26-9-2013

Blimey, that was something to watch … !

I have to admit, Channel 4 had a documentary on, the other night, that I’ve only just managed to catch up with.

Believe it or not, about the definitive 1980s music show, The Tube.

And, trust me, definitive doesn’t even start: this was, quite literally, must-see-tv, in a way that nothing else was.

It was something that literally hadn’t been done, before or since.

That’s literally a shame.   It was both refreshing, and much a needed alternative.


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: along with taking a very ‘here goes’ view, she also bagged five out of six.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are: along with the ‘How To’, License and video … 

Q1) 26th September is — according to the EU — the European Day Of Languages.   Roughly how many languages are native to Europe: 225, 235 or 245 … ?
Q2) How many of them are official EU languages … ?
Q3) Greek is an officially recognised language in how many countries?
Q4) Bulgarian, one dialect of Romanian and East European forms of Romani, use which alphabet … ?
Q5) Basque, Catalan and Galician, are all spoken in which Iberian country … ?
Q6) What’s the most widely spoken mother tongue in the EU … ?
Q7) Finally … what’s the most widely spoken second language in the EU … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 25th September, 1956, saw the formal inauguration of TAT-1: the world’s first submarine, transatlantic what: telegraph cable, internet cable or telephone cable … ?
A1) Telephone cable.
Q2) More to the point, it connected Scotland … and a town in which country … ?
A2) Canada: Newfoundland, to be exact.
Q3) 25th September, 2013, is — obviously — a Wednesday: according to the Old Testament, what did God create on Wednesday?
A3) The sun and moon.
Q4) 25th September, 1951, saw the birth of actor, Mark Hamill.   Which character did he play in the Star Wars movies … ?
A4) Luke Skywalker.
Q5) 25th September, 1513 — five hundred years ago, today — saw Vasco Núñez de Balboa become the first European to sight what … ?
A5) The Pacific Ocean.
Q6) Finally … 25th September, 1950, saw UN forces capture the capital city of South Korea.   What’s that city’s name … ?
A6) Seoul.
I’ll leave you with this thought from actor, Richard Burton …
“The only thing in life is language. Not love. Not anything else.”
Richard Burton  10 November 1925 – 5 August 1984.
And with the Tom Tom Club’s Wordy Rappinghood: altogether, now …
“Ram samsam a ram samsam
Houdi qouri houdi qouri ram samsamHaykayay yipi yaykayeAhou ahou a hikichi”

*        It’s keeping track of the Old Testament, isn’t Debbi … ?  It’s a bother … 


  1. It's a lot to keep track of. I have a reading list that never ends -- honest! :)

    BTW, I'm enjoying Necromancer very much.

    1. 225
    2. 24
    3. 8
    4. Cyrillic
    5. Spain
    6. German
    7. English

  2. It take it you mean Neuromancer, Debbi … ?

    I know what you mean, though … !


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