
Friday 27 September 2013

The Daily Teaser — 27-9-2013: The Rosetta Stone.

Oh … … … … BOTHER … !

Remember me saying, a few days ago now, that me towel rail had broken,

It got fixed.

Badly, as it turned out.

As, under the weight of my towels, the NEW rail has come off the wall.

I’m a touch unhappy about that

Especially as a) the repair lasted for only a short time and b) I’m going to have to go through the palaver of reporting it … AGAIN … !

I believe the word Sheesh may be appropriate … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along we’ve letting us know she’s enjoying Necromancer*, she also bagged six out of seven.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Rosetta’d questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To,’ License and video … 

Q1) 27th September saw Jean-François Champollion announced he’d translated the Rosetta Stone.   Which ancient language had it let him translate … ?
Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the script that language was written in … ?
Q3) Which country was the Rosetta Stone found in … ?
Q4) The stone was found by a soldier from which country’s army … ?
Q5) While we’re at it, that country’s forces were there, under orders from whom … ?
Q6) Finally … in which year of the 1820s did Champollion make his big announcement?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th September is — according to the EU — the European Day Of Languages.   Roughly how many languages are native to Europe: 225, 235 or 245 … ?
A1) 225.
Q2) How many of them are official EU languages … ?
A2) 24.
Q3) Greek is an officially recognised language in how many countries?
A3) Nine: Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Armenia, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey and the Ukraine.
Q4) Bulgarian, one dialect of Romanian and East European forms of Romani, use which alphabet … ?
A4) Cyrillic: the one that’s famously used in Russia.
Q5) Basque, Catalan and Galician, are all spoken in which Iberian country … ?
A5) Spain.
Q6) What’s the most widely spoken mother tongue in the EU … ?
A6) German.
Q7) Finally … what’s the most widely spoken second language in the EU … ?
A7) English … !
Enjoy those.

I’ll leave you with the Stone’s (suitably translated) opening lines of the Stone, itself …
“In the reign of the young one who has succeeded his father in the kingship, lord of diadems, most glorious, who has established Egypt and is pious towards the gods, triumphant over his enemies, who has restored the civilized life of men, lord of the Thirty Years Festivals, even as Ptah the Great, a king like Ra, great king of the Upper and Lower countries, offspring of the Gods Philopatores, one whom Ptah has approved, to whom Ra has given victory, the living image of Amun, son of Ra, PTOLEMY, LIVING FOR EVER, BELOVED OF PTAH, in the ninth year, when Aetos son of Aetos was priest of Alexander, and the Gods Soteres, and the Gods Adelphoi, and the Gods Euergetai, and the Gods Philopatores and the God Epiphanes Eucharistos; Pyrrha daughter of Philinos being Athlophoros of Berenike Euergetis, Areia daughter of Diogenes being Kanephoros of Arsinoe Philadelphos; Irene daughter of Ptolemy being Priestess of Arsinoe Philopator; the fourth of the month of Xandikos, according to the Egyptians the 18th Mekhir.”
The opening words of the Rosetta Stone, translated into English.
And this translation of the Stone’s words … 

Have a good day.

*        I think you meant William Gibson’s Neuromancer, didn’t you Debbi … ?   I know what you meant, though … ! :D

1 comment:

  1. Right! :) Of course.

    1. Egyptian
    2. hieroglyphs
    3. Egypt
    4. France
    5. Napoleon
    6. 1822

    Can you believe Pinterest has no information about Stephen Moffat? What's up with that? He's as awesome a writer/producer as any I've found there.


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