
Friday 11 October 2013

The Daily Teaser — 11-10-2013: The Mary Rose

Wowsa … !

The Beeb has officially made the announcement about the rumoured missing episodes: it seems they’ve found eleven episodes of Dr Who.

Enough to plug some serious holes in two Patrick Troughton stories, The Web Of Fear and the Enemy Of The World.

Plug holes … 

And see them released on iTunes … 

I have to admit to starting today’s post a touch late.

Where I was frantically looking the episodes up on iTunes … 

Let’s move on, shall we?   BEFORE I get really overexcited … 


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi* and Trevor† putting in their answers: with Trevor offering this information about World Mental Health Day and Debbi telling us older episodes of Dr Who could be fun, both scored five out of five.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s nautical questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To,’ License and video … 

Q1) 11th October, 1982, saw the raising of the Mary Rose: a ship of which English king’s navy … ?
Q2) The Mary Rose had been sunk in which year of the 1540s … ?
Q3) Which strait had the Mary Rose sunk in … ?
Q4) That strait is between the coast of England: and which isle … ?
Q5) What sort of ship was the Mary Rose: a caravel, carrack or hoy … ?
Q6) Finally … the Mary Rose is on display at which English port … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th October can be written as 10-10.   What — in CB slang — does 10-10 mean … ?
Q2) 10th October, 1999, saw what was then called the Millennium Wheel put into place.   What’s that wheel now known as … ?
Q3) 10th October, 1971, saw the sold and dismantled what reassembled in Arizona … ?
Q4) 10th October, 1957, saw Britain’s worst nuclear disaster take place: at what was then the Windscale reactors.   What’s Windscale now called … ?
Q5) Finally … 10th October is World Mental Health Day.   Who, in the UK, is responsible for mental health care provision?
A5) The various branches of the National Health Services.
I’ll leave you with this observation …
“Once the angle of heel was sufficient for water to enter the gunports the fate of the ship was sealed.”
And this music … 

Have a good day.

*        Actually, Debbi‡ … ?   The missing episodes are on iTunes: or, at least, the UK branch.   Might be worth having a look.

†        Actually, Trevor‡ … ?   The missing episodes are on the UK iTunes.   Might be worth having a look.

‡        Folks, why am I getting a spooky sense of deja vu … ?

1 comment:

  1. I'm always getting that feeling! Deja vu, that is. :)

    1. Henry VIII
    2. 1545
    3. The Solent
    4. the Isle of Wight
    5. a carrack
    6. Portsmouth


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