
Sunday 20 October 2013

The Daily Teaser — 20-10-2013: Sir Christopher Wren

Did I tell you I’ve been watching BBC1 series, Atlantis … ?

I’ve been watching BBC1 series, Atlantis.

Yeah, you’d guessed that, hadn’t you?

It’s nicely entertaining stuff, even if it’s not entirely close to it’s source material*.

At ANY rate, with the upcoming Dr Who fiftieth episode rapidly looming … ?

Right at the start of last night’s episode — a rather fluffy piece, when the heroes discover an exposed baby called Œdipus — was the Day of the Doctor trailer.

Which means we’re just over a month a way from this.   You’d guessed, hadn’t you … ?   Fanboi that I am,  I’m looking forward to it … 


Moving on, Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi† and Mr Strict putting in their answers.   With Debbi telling us she’s figured out things, eventually, the day saw Mr S scoring four out of five and Debbi scoring five.

Let’s see how they — and you — do with todays somewhat architectural questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the ‘How To,’ License and video … 

Q1) 20th October, 1632, saw the birth of Sir Christopher Wren.   His most famous church, Saint Paul’s Cathedral, is on which London Hill … ?
Q2) He ALSO designed fifty-two churches, after the Great Fire of London: in which year was that fire … ?
Q3) The Monument to the Great Fire was designed by Sir Christopher and Robert Hooke.   It’s near the northern end of which London bridge … ?
Q4) That fire had been preceded — in the previous year — by the Great what of London … ?
Q5) Sir Christopher also designed the Royal Observatory, in Greenwich: home of the Prime … what … ?
Q6) Which naval building in Greenwich did Sir Christopher design … ?
Q7) Finally … 1680 to 1682, Sir Christopher was President of what … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 19th October, 1931, saw the birth of author, David John Moore Cornwell.   How is he better known?
Q2) His first novel, in 1961, introduced his best known recurring character.   What was the name of the novel: The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, A Murder of Quality or Call For The Dead … ?
Q3) More to the point, who was that recurring, bespectacled, character … ?
Q4) Which of Cornwell’s novels starts in Kenya, and has a central character called Justin Quayle … ?
Q5) Finally … in which film does Cornwell appear as the ‘Commander’ … ?
I’ll leave you with thought from Sir Christopher …
“Architecture aims at Eternity.”
Sir Christopher Wren 20 October 1632 – 25 February 1723
And — in lieu of a song — this piece about Sir Christopher: you’ll need to sign in … 

Have a good Sunday … !

*        Obviously, Medusa, played by Jemima Rooper, is going to have her hair turn into snakes at a later date in the series.   I have one point, though: about snakes as hair.   Pubes.   That’s all I’m saying … 

†        Oh, enjoy that trailer, Debbi: it even gets an appearance from the late Elizabeth Sladen.


  1. Thanks, Paul! I even pinned it under the Doctor Who board on Pinterest. :)

    1. Ludgate Hill
    2. 1666
    3. London Bridge
    4. the Plague
    5. Meridian
    6. Greenwich Hospital
    7. the Royal Society

  2. Thanks, Paul! I even pinned it under the Doctor Who board on Pinterest. :)

    1. Ludgate Hill
    2. 1666
    3. London Bridge
    4. the Plague
    5. Meridian
    6. Greenwich Hospital
    7. the Royal Society


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