
Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 5-3-2014

Hmmm … 

That’s unfortunate, if that’s what’s due to happen.

It seems that the BBC is to axe BBC3.   Or, at least, turn it into a purely online service,

I can sympathise with the financial reason that says it’s a good thing: to a small extent.

But I’m also aware that’s BBC Three has been the home of some very good drama — Torchwood and Being Human amongst them — that would otherwise not have seen the light of day: and certainly that needed growing, before being transferred to BBC2.

In doing this, in denying a credible TV channel to new niche drama, the BBC will lose a lot of credibility.

In doing this … ?

The BBC is making a mistake.


But lets move on, shall we?

Today is Wednesday: which means it’s time for this week’s Brentwood Gazette Teaser.

Here’s this week’s, covered, as ever, by the Creative Commons License*.
Q1) 5th March saw the death of Joseph Stalin.   In which year of the 1950s?
Q2) Stalin had been leader of what’s now Russia, but what was then the USSR.   What did USSR stand for … ?
Q3) Stalin was born in a USSR republic that’s now present day where: Ukraine, Georgia or Azerbaijan?
Q4) Stalin consolidated power after the 1924 death of the country’s original leader.   Who was that leader … ?
Q5) During his rise to power, Stalin exiled whom: Nikolai Bukharin, Leon Trotsky or Grigory Zinoviev?
Q6) That exile was famously assassinated on Stalin’s orders: whilst the former was in which South American country … ?
Q7) Stalin held the title of Premier of the USSR.   He was also General Secretary of the Communist Party’s what: Standing Committee, Central Committee or Games Committee?
Q8) In that post, and in 1939, Stalin signed a non-aggression pact: with which country … ?
Q9) During his lifetime, Stalin was the object of what now call a cult of what: celebrity, personality or character?
Q10) Finally … during WW2, Joseph Stalin occasionally known as what: Grandpa Joe, Uncle Joe or Papa Joe?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers.
Q1) 26th February saw the very first Jazz record, recorded: by the Original Dixieland Jass Band.   Which US city did they come from: New York, New Orleans or North Amityville … ?
Q2) One of the two songs on that single was called Livery Stable …  what?
Q3) The flip side was called the ‘Original Dixieland …’ what: one-step, two-step or quick-step?
Q4) The company that recorded the record — the Victor Talking Machine Company — shared its logo, a dog listening to an old record player, with HMV in the UK.   What was the dog called: Nipper, Bonzo or Rosie … ?
Q5) Jazz is supposed to have originated in the area of New Orleans called Storyville.   Storyville was what: the New Orleans’ Docklands, red light area or financial district?
Q6) Which notably large-nosed comedian was one of the Original Dixieland Jass Band’s early fans … ?
Q7) The band also recorded a ragtime piece that’s since become a Jazz standard: and named for which stripy big cat … ?
Q8) Jazz also has roots in the marches held in New Orleans what: weddings, baptisms or funerals?
Q9) New Orleans was also the birthplace of jazzman, singer and trumpeter, Satchmo: better known, of course, as who … ?
Q10) Finally … which Miles Davis album is considered the best selling Jazz album of all time … ?
A1) New Orleans.
A2) Livery Stable Blues’.
A3) One step.
A4) Nipper.
A5) The red light area: mostly centred on Basin Street.
A6) The Schnozzola, himself, Jimmy Durante.   (He occasionally played piano for them, as well..)
A7) The tiger.   The song in question is ‘Tiger Rag’.
A8) Funerals.
A9) Louis Armstrong.
A10) Kind Of Blue.
Enjoy those: I’ll catch you once we’ve saved BBC3.

*        Regulars will know already, but for newcomers … all it means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated.

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