
Thursday 6 March 2014

The Daily Teaser — 6-3-2014: I’ve Got A HEADACHE

THAT’S an annoyance … !

I forgot to tape The Tomorrow People, last night.

Still, I am watching it on Channel Four’s catch up service, 4od.

The only minor irritant … ?

Is that — for whatever reason — it won’t stream to my Apple TV: seemingly because Channel Four haven’t added the relevant functionality.

Yeah … 

Annoyance … 


But let’s move on, shall we?   Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and bagging six out of seven.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s Teaser, shall we?

Here it is, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 6th March saw Aspirin registered as a trademark.   In which year of the 1890s … ?
Q2) More to the point, what was the name of the company that registered it: Schwarz, Bayer or GlaxoSmithKline … ?
Q3) Aspirin famously is supposed to help act as what: an anti-inflammatory, an anti-pyretic (reducing fever) or an analgesic (reducing pain) … ?
Q4) The company that registered Aspirin is headquartered in which German city: Dusseldorf, Leverkusen or Cologne … ?
Q5) That company also marketed Heroin: in the run up to which World War … ?
Q6) Equally, they marketed Heroin as completely non what … ?
Q7) While we’re on the subject: Heroin is a stronger version of which drug: morphine, cocaine or ecstasy … ?
Q8) Heroin — and its associated drugs — are all made from a version of which flower … ?
Q9) Aspirin ultimately comes from the bark of which tree … ?
Q10) In the film version of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, which character says “Now I’ve got a headache …!” … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th March, 1975, saw the first meeting of the Homebrew Computer Club: the club that famously inspired Steve Wozniak to design the Apple 1.   In which US state did it meet?
A1) California: in Menlo Park, to be precise.
Q2) More to the point, the club also had phone phreak, John Draper, as a member: Draper was more notoriously known as Captain … who … ?
Q3) 5th March, 1981, saw the ZX81 go on sale.   How much memory did that first version come with?
A3) 1 kilobyte.   (Frankly, my phone is more powerful … !)
Q4) The ZX81 was made by a company led by Sir Clive Sinclair: whosw first company made its money from the Sinclair Executive.   Was the Executive a slide rule, abacus or calculator?
A4) A calculator.
Q5) 5th March, 1999, saw Paul Okalik named as the first Premier of Nunavut.   In which North American country IS Nunavut … ?
A5) Canada: it’s Canada’s newest, and largest, territory.
Q6) 5th March, 1984, saw the start of the by now notorious Miners Strike: at the Cortonwood Colliery.   In which country is the colliery: North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire or South Yorkshire?
Q7) Finally … 5th March, 1868, saw George Westinghouse patent the Air-brake.   What’s the air-brake designed to brake: aeroplanes, railway trains or cars … ?
I’ll leave you with this tune from Weezer … 

And this thought …
“You really want to get a headache? Try to understand Internet advertising.”
Barry Diller.
Have a good day … !

*        Took it at a local restaurant, Debbi: a branch of Chimichanga’s, that do Mexican style food†.   Amazing what you can do with just an iPod!   (Well … APART from streaming shows from Channel Four, that is … !)

†        Well, I say Mexican, Debbi: it’s a Mexican restaurant, in suburban England, staffed, managed and run by Polish people.   Probably means it’s about as Mexican as Billy Connolly … !

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you have authentic curry! Not to mention jammie dodgers, etc. :)

    1. 1899
    2. Bayer
    3. an analgesic
    4. Leverkusen
    5. World War I
    6. addictive
    7. morphine
    8. poppies
    9. willow
    10. Marvin (poor Marvin)


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