
Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Daily Teaser — 10-6-2014: Nice Legs, Shame About The Boat Race

Blimey … !

You probably worked out that yesterday saw me start at a work placement, at a local charity shop.

Tiring stuff, frankly.

But at least I can say I’m doing something positive with my time.

At ANY rate?

At any rate, I came home to rather shocking news: at least, for any one my age.

Comedian, Rik Mayall, died, yesterday.

Now, I don’t know if I was ever a fan, per se: both Filthy, Rich and Catflap and Bottom seemed to be repeating some of his and Ade Edmonson’s earlier work*.

But The Young Ones … ?

I think the sheer slapstick lunacy of The Young Ones — which Mayall appeared in, and co-wrote — managed to burn itself into the minds of a generation: and ended up as reciteable as any of Monty Python sketch, or quote from Blackadder.

Comedy genius?

I couldn’t tell you if Rik Mayall was or wasn’t a comedy genius.

But he made me — and many others — laugh.

Can a comic ask anymore?

But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi† putting in her amnswers: and bagging three out of five.

So let’s see how everyone does with today’s boating set, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 10th June, 1829, saw the running of the first University Boat Race.   On which river is the race run?
Q2) Name either British University that takes part in the Race.
Q3) The race is run from Putney: to which part of Richmond upon Thames?
Q4) Shades of which colour are traditionally worn by the crew of the boats?
Q5) How many people are on each boat … ?
Q6) Who’s the only one of those people who isn’t rowing … ?
Q7) The lead up to the 1959 and 1987 Races saw one side do what: mutiny, sink or capsize?
Q8) Which side won the 2014 Boat Race, held in March of this year … ?
Q9) True or false: the Race is raced downstream.
Q10) Finally … the Boat Race finishes by which Bridge?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th June saw the disappearance of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine: on the second ever attempt to climb which mountain … ?
A1) Everest.
Q2) In which year was this … ?
A2) 1924.
Q3) 9th June, 1856, saw 500 Mormon pioneers start their journey from what’s now Salt Lake City, in Utah.   Which US city did they leave, that day … ?
A3) Iowa City: in Iowa, obviously …
Q4) 9th June, 1836, saw the birth of the first woman to become a doctor in the UK.   Who was she … ?
Q5) Finally … 9th June, 1958, saw the Queen open a newly revamped Gatwick Airport.    In which English country is Gatwick: East Sussex, West Sussex or Surrey … ?
I’ll leave you with this tune: I’m hoping you’ll forgive the mild — AHEM — sexism, as it does feature an obscure, but relevant, piece of rhyming slang … 

And with this thought …
“That was one hell of a race. It’s fair to say we fancied our chances beforehand, but that was tough.”
University Boat Race star, Constantine Louloudis.
Have a good day.

*        The New Statesman and Believe Nothing were bloody good, though, I should add!

†        Well … strictly speaking, Debbi, it’s four weeks of mandatory volunteering.   But, yeah, it’s along those lines …

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