
Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Daily Teaser — 11-6-2014

I … 

Am … 

Happily … 


If you’ll excuse the language!

You know I recently started out on a Mandatory Work Placement Scheme, just recently?

And got placed in a local branch of the Saint Francis Hospice Shop.

I got the proverbial boot.

Apparently?   I have unsatisfactory references.

I didn’t challenge that, when I was told why I was getting the heave-ho: but went as far as offering alternative references, as a counterbalance.

Nope, not wanted.

Once I was out of the proverbial office?

I was fuming, as it leaves me stuck on a programme I may well never be able to complete.

I immediately went to the Job Centre to let them know what had happened.

I’ve ALSO got to phone SEETEC, to talk to Val: who’s my handler, there.

Right now … ?

Right now, I’m in the proverbial lurch, and I really don’t like it!

Yesterday’s Teaser was quiet: with no-one putting in answers.

So, let’s see if I can persuade you to leave your answers to today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 11th June, 1937, saw a trial start of eight Soviet military officers: during what later became known as the Great … what … ?
Q2) 11th June, 1971, saw the US government remove the last Native American protestors: from which Island?
Q3) 11th June, 1776, saw the birth of the man who painted The Haywain.   Who was he … ?
Q4) Many years later, 11th June, 1910, saw the birth of diver, explorer and former Naval officer, Jacques Cousteau.   Which piece of diving equipment is he famed for inventing … ?
Q5) Finally … 11th June, 1987, saw Britain’s first black MPs elected to the House of Commons: name any of the three MPs.
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th June, 1829, saw the running of the first University Boat Race.   On which river is the race run?
A1) The River Thames.
Q2) Name either British University that takes part in the Race.
A2) The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Q3) The race is run from Putney: to which part of Richmond upon Thames?
A3) Mortlake.
Q4) Shades of which colour are traditionally worn by the crew of the boats?
A4) Blue.   (Oxford are the Dark Blues, Cambridge the Light Blues.)
Q5) How many people are on each boat … ?
A5) Nine: eight rowers, and one Coxswain.
Q6) Who’s the only one of those people who isn’t rowing … ?
A6) The Coxswain, or Cox.   (Traditionally, if you’re team wins, you’re allowed to throw the Cox into the river.   No one knows why: it’s just TRADITION … )
Q7) The lead up to the 1959 and 1987 Races saw one side do what: mutiny, sink or capsize?
A7) Mutiny: Oxford, in both cases, since you ask.
Q8) Which side won the 2014 Boat Race, held in March of this year … ?
A8) Oxford.
Q9) True or false: the Race is raced downstream.
A9) False: it’s raced upstream.
Q10) Finally … the Boat Race finishes by which Bridge?
As it’s ZZTop drummer, Frank Beard’s birthday?   I’ll leave you with a nice big drum intro … 

And with this thought …
“What is a scientist after all? It is a curious man looking through a keyhole, the keyhole of nature, trying to know what’s going on.”
Jacques Cousteau 11 June 1910 – 25 June 1997.
Have a good day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your work situation. I hope something will work out for you. Shameful, really, what they did.

    1. Purge
    2. Alcatraz
    3. John Constable
    4. the Aqua-Lung
    5. Dianne Abbott, Paul Boateng and Bernie Grant


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