
Sunday 28 September 2014

The Daily Teaser — 28-9-2014: Dr Fleming, I Presume … ?

Drat … 

And double drat … 

With an upside … 

Um … 

I’d better start making sense, hadn’t I … ?

Well … For starters, I’m out of milk until payday.

I can manage without: but, boy, do I miss it in tea.

The upside to the morning … ?   Is the fact my Apple TV’s now updated itself.

Quite what happened there, I don’t know.   Saying that … ?   I DID know I used the thing’s Network testing features: then tried updating it.

The test had a few glitches.   But there subsequent update … went through with no problems.

I’ve no problems with that.

I’m just wondering what on Earth happened there.


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 28th September, 1928, saw Sir Alexander Fleming notice mould growing in his lab.   What drug did he turn that mould into?
Q2) The drug in question is what: an antibiotic, an antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory?
Q3) What does the drug do: lower fever, kill bacteria or kill viruses?
Q4) The mould concerned is what: an algae, a lichen or a fungi?
Q5) Some species of the mould are use to make what: milk, cheese or biscuits?
Q6) When Sir Alexander discovered the drug, he was in his lab at Saint Mary’s Hospital.   Saint Mary’s is now part of what: Imperial College London, Addenbrooks Hospital or Guys and St Thomas’?
Q7) Some of the drug’s early trials took place in which English city: Oxford, Cambridge or Brighton?
Q8) The first chemical synthesis of the  drug was done by John C Sheehan: of MIT.   MIT stands for ‘Massachusetts Institute of’ … what?
Q9) Sir Alexander was knighted for his work: in 1944.   By which UK king … ?
Q10) Finally … In 2009, Sir Alexander was honoured by having his face on the Clydesdale Bank’s new banknotes.   Which banknotes: £5, £10 or £20?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 27th September, 1777, saw the American city of Lancaster become the US capital city: for one day.   Lancaster is in which US state?
Q2) Which subspecies of tiger was declared extinct on  27th September, 1937: the Javan, Balinese or Sumatran?
A2) The Balinese.
Q3) 27th September, 2012, saw the death — at the grand old age of 95 — of actor, Herbert Lom.   In which 1955 film did he play Louis?
Q4) 27th September, 1825, saw the formal opening of the Stockton and Darlington Railway: the first railway to use what kind of locomotives?
A4) Steam locos.
Q5) Finally … Albert Einstein’s equation, E=mc², was published on 27th September, 1905.   What did the ‘E’ stand for?
A5) Energy.
I’m going to prescribe you some Dr Feelgood: whilst asking you the HELL Wilko was on … !?!?!?‽

And leave you with this thought …
“I have been trying to point out that in our lives chance may have an astonishing influence and, if I may offer advice to the young laboratory worker, it would be this - never to neglect an extraordinary appearance or happening.”

Sir Alexander Fleming, 6 August 1881 – 11 March 1955.
Have a good Sunday.

*        Sometimes, it takes us a while, Debbi.   Oh, almost forgot: there’s the trailer for next week: you should be able to access one of them … 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to it!

    1. penicillin
    2. antibiotic
    3. kill bacteria
    4. a fungi
    5. cheese
    6. Imperial College London
    7. Oxford
    8. Technology
    9. King George VI
    10.£5 notes


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