
Monday, 29 September 2014

The Daily Teaser — 29-9-2014: The Sweeney … !

Bloody HELL … !

You don’t often seen that in Brentwood … !

Seemingly, at 7pm, on Saturday night, there was a stabbing just off Brentwood High Street: on the Junction of Tower Hill and Sir Francis Way.

The victim died of his injuries: which included a stab wound to the heart.

An 18 year-old man has since been arrested on suspicion of murder.

All of this taking place near where a friend of mine lived, which is just a little bit worrying.

Although worrying is possibly understating things.

Either way … ?   Well, either way, I hope that’s not a sign os things to come, I really do.

 My home town’s a relatively peaceful, and nice place to live.

A fatal stabbing … ?

Well … 

That doesn’t exactly do the house prices much good … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 29th September saw the founding of the Metropolitan Police: one of London’s two police forces.   In which year of the 1820s?
Q2) What’s the name of the Met’s HQ?
Q3) The head of the Met holds what rank: General, Chief or Commissioner … ?
Q4) Who’s the current holder of the office?
Q5) The Met is one of two police forces in London: covering what used to be called Greater London.   What’s the other London force?
Q6) The Met’s SO15 group is what: the drug squad, the fraud squad or the counter-terrorism group?
Q7) The Met usually doesn’t police Britain’s railways.   Who does?
Q8) The Met has command units in each London borough it polices.   How MANY boroughs: thirty, thirty-two or thirty-four?
Q9) The Met’s Marine Policing Unit is based where: Wapping High Street, Brick Lane or Blackwall Lane?
Q10) Finally … ‘Sweeney Todd’ is a slang term for which Met squad?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th September, 1928, saw Sir Alexander Fleming notice mould growing in his lab.   What drug did he turn that mould into?
Q2) The drug in question is what: an antibiotic, an antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory?
A2) An antibiotic.
Q3) What does the drug do: lower fever, kill bacteria or kill viruses?
A3) Kill bacteria.
Q4) The mould concerned is what: an algae, a lichen or a fungi?
A4) A fungi.
Q5) Some species of the mould are use to make what: milk, cheese or biscuits?
A5) Cheese: Camembert, Roquefort, Gorgonzola and Brie are all made with versions.
Q6) When Sir Alexander discovered the drug, he was in his lab at Saint Mary’s Hospital.   Saint Mary’s is now part of what: Imperial College London, Addenbrooks Hospital or Guys & St Thomas’?
Q7) Some of the drug’s early trials took place in which English city: Oxford, Cambridge or Brighton?
A7) Oxford.
Q8) The first chemical synthesis of the  drug was done by John C Sheehan: of MIT.   MIT stands for ‘Massachusetts Institute of’ … what?
Q9) Sir Alexander was knighted for his work: in 1944.   By which UK king … ?
Q10) Finally … In 2009, Sir Alexander was honoured by having his face on the Clydesdale Bank’s new banknotes.   Which banknotes: £5, £10 or £20?
A10) £5.
I’ll leave you with this tune: it seemed appropriate, when I wrote today’s questions … 

I’ll ALSO leave you with some something Graffiti artist, Banksy, was told …
“There’s no way you’re going to get a quote from us to use on your book cover.”
Metropolitan Police Spokesperson, speaking to Banksy.
Enjoy your day … !

*        It does look god, Debbi!   Apparently, the monster is some sort of evil giant spider.   Again the references!   (Oh, about that stabbing, Debbi?   Remember, when you and Rick were here, we took the bus up the hill to get to Brentwood High Street?   Remember, the bus turned left at the top of the hill?   If it had gone straight over at the traffic lights … we’d’ve got to where the stabbing took place, a minute or two later …)

1 comment:

  1. Goodness. Small towns have their share of violence. *sigh*

    1. 1829
    2. New Scotland Yard
    3. the Commissioner
    4. Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe
    5. The City of London Police
    6. the counter-terrorism squad
    7. British Transport Police
    8. 32
    9. Wapping High Street
    10. the flying squad


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