
Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 1-1-2014: The Chinese Way

Oh, well, that’s THAT lot sorted, then.

I’ve now got myself booked up for a consultation at Broomfield hospital.

For a hernia op, so you know.

I’m looking forward to it.   Well, the consultation, anyway.

The sooner it’s done, the nearer the actually operation.

But my assorted medical problems aren’t yours.


It’s Wednesday: which means it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s, covered by the usual Creative Commons License* … 
Q1) 1st October is the national day of China: what’s the official name of mainland China?
Q2) The holiday is also celebrated in two Special Administrative Regions: former European colonies in China.   One is Macau.   What’s the other?
Q3) The holiday marks the founding of modern China.   In which year of the 1940s?
Q4) The day isn’t observed in the Republic Of China.   The Republic Of China is better known as what?
Q5) Mainland China’s founding father was Chairman Mao: what’s his full name?
Q6) What’s China’s capital city?
Q7) What’s mainland China’s biggest city: by population?
Q8) Standard Chinese is the official version of the language: it’s based on which version of Chinese … ?
Q9) Oo-long, Pu-erh and Kuding are all types of Chinese what?
Q10) Finally … the last Imperial dynasty of China — the Qing Dynasy — ended in which year: 1910, 1911 or 1912?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) Sunset of the 24th September, 2014, marks the start of the Jewish New Year.   The traditional name for the festival is Rosh … what … ?
Q2) The phrase translates as the what of the Year: head, tail or stomach?
Q3) The festival is in which month of the Jewish calendar: Tishrei, Cheshvan or Kislev?
Q4) One traditional Hebrew equivalent to the phrase ‘Happy New Year,’ is ‘Shana Tova’.   ‘Shana Tova’ roughly translates as ‘Have a’ what: good year, bad year or long year?
Q5) Shana Tova’ is usually used by Ashkenazi Jews.   The Ashkenazi lived where: the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire or the Byzantine Empire?
Q6) By contrast, Sephardic Jews lived in two southern European countries.   Name either.
Q7) Many Orthodox Jews have a ‘Mikva’ on the Jewish New Year.   A Mikva is a ritual what: bath, meal or glass of wine?
Q8) Traditionally, the New Year sees the ritual blowing of the Shofar.   The shofar is a wind instrument made from the horn of what: bull, ram or toad?
Q9) The rituals for the Jewish New Year are recorded in the Mishnah and in the Oral Torah.   The Written Torah are the first books of the Jewish Bible.   How many books: five, seven or nine?
Q10) Finally … Christianity has vicars and pastors, Islam has Imams.   Who leads Jewish religious services … ?
A1) Rosh Hashanah.
A2) Head.
A3) Tishrei.
A4) Good year.
A5) The Holy Roman Empire.
A6) Spain or Portugal.
A7) A ritual bath.
A8) Ram.
A9) Five.   (Which is why it’s called the Pentateuch in English)
A10) The Rabbi.   (There’s also a cantor: who’s the singer who leads the hymns at a synagogue service.)
Enjoy those: I’ll catch you later … 

*        All that means is that you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

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