
Thursday 2 October 2014

The Daily Teaser — 2-1-2014

Right, it’s another rushed start, today: I’ve another appointment, at quarter to ten, today.

Only this time, with my GP’s practise nurse: I’m getting me ears looked at.

One thing I do know, though … ?

Is that my two sisters and I celebrated my youngest sisters birthday: by catching Stephen Fry’s More Fool Me reading  at the Royal Festival Hall, as it was streamed to our local cinema.

Fantastic night out!


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 2nd October, 1950, saw the début of a well known comic strip, by Charles M. Schulz.   What comic strip … ?
Q2) 2nd October, 1980, saw Representative Michael Myers become the first person to be expelled from the US House of Representatives since 1861.   What was he expelled for taking?
Q3) 2nd October, 1979, saw the Pope denounce torture and concentration camps: in a speech at the UN.   Which pope: Paul 6th, John Paul 1st or John Paul 2nd?
Q4) 2nd October, 2006, saw five children killed at a school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania: by a man called Charles Roberts.   The school, the community it was in, and the children at it, were members of which religious community?
Q5) Finally … 2nd October, 1928, saw the founding of the Roman Catholic organization, Opus Dei: in which European country … ?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st October, 1946, saw the founding of Mensa International, the high IQ society.   In order to be a member, you have an IQ in the top what: 97th ,98th or 99th, percent?
A1) 98th.
Q2) 1st October, 1982, saw the launch of the first consumer CD player.   By which Japanese company: Toshiba, Sony or Mitsubishi?
A2) Sony.
Q3) 1st October, 893, saw the birth of martial artist, Yip Man.   Yip taught many: including the man who starred in Enter The Dragon.   Who was that star?
A3) Bruce Lee.
Q4) 1st October, 1918, saw Arab forces lead by Lawrence of Arabia, conquer which Syrian city?
A4) Damascus.
Q5) Finally … 1st October, 1931, saw the formal opening of the George Washington Bridge: from Manhattan to Fort Lee, New Jersey.   What US river goes the bridge go over: the Thames, Hudson or Amazon?
A5) The Hudson.   (If you’ve put either of the others, you’re geography is worse than mine!)
I’ll leave you with this song … 

And this thought …
“One of the reasons that I accepted, once asked to do Star Trek, was to give a single child a chance to see the long thought, to see themselves some 400 years hence. It occurred to me that we must ensure that we keep in front of children the ever-changing horizon.”

Avery Brooks, born 2nd October, 1948.
Have a good day.

*        You still miss him, don’t you Debbi … ?   (Actually, I think Stephen Fry’s a member: but don’t quote me … )

1 comment:

  1. I do, indeed. He was a good person to talk to.

    1. Peanuts
    2. bribes
    3. John Paul II
    4. Amish
    5. Madrid


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