
Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Daily Teaser — 2-12-2014

I HAVE to admit to having a late one, I really do.

No, really, I had a late one, last night.

Privilege of working in an late night fast-food joint, I’m afraid.

It has, of course, left me feeling tired: understandably.

Tired … 

And even more inclined to laugh, listening to last night’s episode of I’m Sorry, I Haven’t A Clue.

Which I’ve just finished listening to.

It has to be said, Omid Djalili was fantastic.

Personally … ?   The more we see of him, the better … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?   Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 2nd December, 1697, saw the consecration of Saint Paul’s Cathedral: in London.   Before converting to Christianity, Saint Paul the Apostle was Saul of where: Taurus, Tarsus or Turkey?
Q2) 2nd December, 1993, saw NASA launch the Space Shuttle Endeavour: on a mission to repair what?
Q3) 2nd December, 1971, saw the formation of the United Arab Emirates.   What’s the UAE’s official language?
Q4) 2nd December, 1939, saw LaGuardia Airport formally open for business: it’s named for the mayor who first suggested its construction.   The airport is in which US city?
Q5) Finally … 2nd December, 1993, saw the death of drug lord, Pablo Escobar, at the hands of Columbian police.   He and his Medellin Cartel smuggled which drug?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st December is World AIDS Day.   According to 2014 reports, the pandemic’s origins are in 1920s where: Kasangulu, Kinshasa or Kongolo?
A1) Kinshasa.
Q2) 1st December, 1885, saw Dr Pepper served for the first time.   In which Texan town: Vidor, Waco or Yorktown?
A2) Waco.
Q3) 1st December, 1973, saw the death of David Ben-Gurion: the first Prime Minister of Israel.   He’d been born in what’s now which European country?
A3) Poland.
Q4) 1st December, 2013, saw the launch of the Jade Rabbit Lunar Rover.   By which country?
A4) China.
Q5) Finally … 1st December, 1864, saw a huge fire take place: in which Australian city?
A5) Brisbane.
I’ll leave you with this song … 

And this thought …
“The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.”

Britney Spears, born December 2, 1981.
Enjoy your day … !

*        I can only hope yesterday’s Teaser helped with the global travel bug, Debbi: it’s only now I ’ve realised all of yesterday’s answers were places.   I’ll have to ‘#autopilot’ to my list of hashtags†!

†        Bloody hell, how quickly did THAT get added to Wikipedia … ?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for coming by the FB party! :)

    1. Tersus
    2. the Hubble Space Telescope
    3. Arabic
    4. New York City
    5. cocaine


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