
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

The Daily Teaser — 31-12-2014: The 2014 Review.

Ouch … !

No, really, ouch.

Lord know’s how I’ve managed it while I was in bed, this morning.

But I’ve managed to pull a leg muscle.

How … ?   Rolling over, as far as I can recall.

I don’t think it’s seriously damaged.   At least I hope it’s not.

But the mild one I have … ?   Is kind of like stabbing a toe.



But it don’t half let you know it’s happened … !


Moving on … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring six out of six.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s review of the year questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video

Q1) 2014 is the International Year of what: family farming, soil or Biodiversity?
Q2) January 1st, 2014, saw which country adopt the Euro: Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia?
Q3) February 7th to the 23rd, was the dates of this year’s Winter Olympics.   The games were held in which Russian resort?
Q4) March 31st, 2014, saw the United Nations rule one Asian nation’s whaling operations to be commercial, rather than scientific.   Which Asian nation?
Q5) 27th April, 2014, saw the Roman Catholic Church canonize two former popes.   Name either.
Q6) 5th May, 2014, saw the World Health Organization identify one disease as a medical emergency in ten countries.   Which diease: HIV/AIDS, the Ebola Virus or Polio?
Q7) This year’s FIFA World Cup tournament was from 12th June to July 13th.   Which South American country hosted it?
Q8) Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan were found guilty of Crimes Against Humanity: in August of this year.   The two were former leaders of which Cambodian group?
Q9) September 22nd, 2014, saw the US lead airstrikes: on which country?
Q10) In October, Blaise Compaoré resigned as President, this year.   As President of which African country?
Q11) 12th November, 2014, saw the Philae probe land.   On what: a comet, asteroid or meteor?
Q12) Finally … 21st December, 2014, saw the death of actress, Billie Whitelaw.   With which Irish playwright was she closely associated?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 30th December, 1948, saw the opening — on Broadway — of the first musical to win a Best Musical Tony.   Which musical was it: Cabaret, Kiss Me Kate or Fiddler on the Roof?
Q2) Who wrote that musical?
Q3) 30th December, 1958, saw rebels surround the Cuban town of Santa Clara.   Who led the rebels?
Q4) 30th December, 2009, saw suicide bombers destroy a US base in Afghanistan.   Who was using the base: the US Army, the CIA or the FBI?
A4) The CIA.
Q5) 30th December, 2006, saw the bombing of the Madrid–Barajas Airport.   The airport, and the city it serves, are in which European country?
A5) Spain.
Q6) Finally … 30th December, 2011, was formally missed: in Samoa and Tokelau.   Because of a change in what: calendar, time zone or presidential hair do?
A6) Time zone.
I’ll leave you with what I’m told is 2014’s biggest selling tune … 

And with this observation from the world’s best known school-girl.
“This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.”

Malala Yousafzai, joint 2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner.
Enjoy your day: Happy New Year, if I don’t catch you before … 

*        Hmmm … Do you mean that you can’t get it out of a .zip file, Debbi?   Because I didn’t send it as one!!   Or did you mean you can’t get it bigger than a certain size?   You should be able to hit the “Fit To Screen” option: View>Fit To Screen or pressing ⌘ and 3.

The file is 990*574†.   So hitting “Fit To Screen” helps.   You can also hover you mouse over the top right hand corner of the screen: which turns the video a full screen one!   (Although that makes me feel like I’m getting attacked by Peter Capaldi’s eyebrows … !)

†        Basically, Debbi, that’s the size it’s become, after I ripped it from the original recording: it’s the way the various bits of software I use re-size UK TV broadcasts.   (If I did the same thing to a US broadcast, it would look different: US standard definition is a different size to UK ones.)

1 comment:

  1. I'll see what I can do. Thanks! :)

    1. family farming
    2. Latvia
    3. Sochi
    4. Japan
    5. Popes John Paul II and John XXIII
    6. polio
    7. Brazil
    8. Khmer Rouge
    9. Syria
    10. Burkina Faso
    11. a comet
    12. Samuel Beckett


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