
Saturday 29 August 2015

The Daily Teaser — 29-8-2015

Right … 

That’s that officially done … 

I’ve now got a little set-top box on order from Amazon.   One that allows me to watch high definition TV channels on my TV set.

Of course, it’s cost a little more than I expected.

I had to get an extra HDMI cable, obviously: having plenty of extra aerial cables I can use to put it into my system.

And, given my TV only has the one HDMI port … ?   I got an HDMI switcher: something that let’s me plug two or more HDMI devices to my TV.

Which is where I think I’ve had an extra charge: SOMEWHERE along the line, I’ve think I’ve been charged for delivery of something … 

Not that I’m worried: this week, I can afford it … 


But let’s get a move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mr Strict, and Debbi*, putting in their answers: we have a draw, as both scored five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 29th August, 2005, saw the US Gulf coast hit by a hurricane.   Which Hurricane?
Q2) One years earlier, 29th August, 2004, saw who win his fifth consecutive Formula 1 Drivers Championship?
Q3) Libero Grassi was killed on 29th August, 1991: after taken a very vocal stand against extortion attempts by whom?
Q4) The USS Nevada was decommissioned: on the 29th August, 1946.   Was the Nevada the second, third or fourth US Navy ship to bear that name?
Q5) Finally … Police arrested a number or rock fans: at the Windsor Free Festival.   The date was 29th August of which year?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 28th August, 1937, saw Toyota Motors become independent of its parent company.   The parent company had originally made what: engines, looms or cranes?
A1) Looms.
Q2) Prime Minster Tony Blair gave evidence to an enquiry: about the death of weapons expert, Dr David Kelly.   The enquiry, on 28th August, 2003, was about events surrounding which 21st Century war?
A2) The Iraq War.
Q3) 28th August, 1963, saw the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge open.   The bridge goes from Medina, in Washington State: to which other city?
A3) Seattle.
Q4) 28th August, 1930, saw the birth of actor, Windsor Davies.   His best known role was as Battery Sergeant Major Williams: in which sitcom?
Q5) Finally … 28th August, 1521, saw Ottoman Turks occupy which Serbian city?
A5) Belgrade.
I’ll leave you with this tune … 

And this thought …
“I have no regrets. I wouldn’t have lived my life the way I did if I was going to worry about what people were going to say.”
Ingrid Bergman, 29 August 1915 – 29 August 1982.
Enjoy your day … 

*        Amen to THAT though, Debbi … !   (Did I mention I’ve ordered a set-top box?   I’ll have cables all OVER the place … !)


  1. Ah, right found it … !

    I’ve been charged postage for thee extra HDMI cable.

    (Amazon USUALLY doesn’t charge for delivery if your order is over £20, I should add. Which is why I was surprised to be charged for something. Sometimes, those, a seller on the site doesn’t use Amazon’s delivery vans: hence the charge. I think … )

  2. Nice Charlie Parker tune! :)

    1. Katrina
    2. Michael Schumacher (and he won five consecutive, right?
    3. the Mafia
    4. the second
    5. 1974


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