
Tuesday 8 September 2015

House of Cards — Series 1: Episodes 12 and 13

You know, I have a habit or two.

Possibly several, actually: now I come to think of it.

And a few of those … ?   Will be ones I’m not going to admit to on a public forum like a blog!

Not if I can help it … !

One of the ones I will admit to … ?

Is liking a TV series or two.

And … ?   Well, over the past few nights, I’ve been watching House of Cards.

While tonight’s too episodes haven’t got me as caught as the rest of the series?

It does round off this initial series, rather well.


Episode 12 sees Frank (Kevin Spacey) heading off to interview millionaire, Ray Tusk (Gerald McRainey), for the party’s nomination for Vice President: and finding the devious businessman more than a match.   It ALSO sees Claire firing Gillian from the Clean Water Initiative: after Gillian hinders move by a corporate donor to film on Gillian’s private patch.

Episode 13, the series finale, sees Frank reaching an accommodation: and being named as Vice Presidential candidate.   It ALSO sees Zoe Barnes and her team from investigating the links between Peter Russo: and former hooker, Rachel Posner.

Now … 

About not being stunned by these two episodes?

I have to admit, I was someone who thoroughly enjoyed the original, UK, version of the series: with Ian Richardson in the lead role of Francis Urqhart.

And came away a touch disappointed that Zoe Barnes — the idealistic reporter who has an affair with Frank Underwood — doesn’t get killed: as her parallel, Mattie Storin, does, in that original.

I felt a touch let down.


Despite this, I have to confess to being very impressed with this first series, overall.

Writing, production, and direction … ?   Are all top notch: producing a TV series that is very watchable.

Especially combined with a cast — including Spacey and Wright as Frank and Claire —that are formidable.   AND give richness and depth to the characters they are portraying.

As and when … ?

I’ll be buying series 2

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