
Wednesday 23 December 2015

The Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser — 23-12-2015: A Visit from Saint Nick

Right … 

It’s Wednesday.

You know.

And, having followed me for a while?

You’re PROBABLY away I’ve; 

a) Got a job
b) Usually work on a Wednesday, and
c) Feeling a bit rushed!

With THAT said … ?

Let’s get a move on … !


It’s a Wednesday: which ALSO means it’s time for the Brentwood Gazette’s Weekly Teaser.

Here’s this week’s Christmas themed set: covered by the usual Creative Commons License* …
Q1) 23rd December saw the publication of ‘A Visit from Saint Nicholas’: what’s it’s opening line?
Q2) In which year of the 1820s was it published?
Q3) True or false: the poem was originally published anonymously.
Q4) Confusingly, the poem was attributed to Clement Clarke Moore, a New York based professor of Greek Literature.   In which year of the 1830s?
Q5) The poem was published in the ‘Troy Sentinel.’   Troy is in which US state?
Q6) According to the poem, Saint Nicholas has a sleigh pulled by how many reindeer: seven, eight or nine?
Q7) Name one of them.
Q8) Was Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer one of them?
Q9) The poem is sometimes better known under a name taken from its first line.   What IS that name?
Q10) Finally … In 2013, MIT student, Phillip M. Cunio, wrote a short article based on the poem, concluding that the reindeer pulling the sleigh were what: the sleigh’s propulsion, or navigation?
Here’s last week’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th November saw MPs in the House of Commons vote to abolish hanging.   In which year of the 1960s: 1965, 1967 or 1969?
Q2) The original, relevant, act had suspended the Death sentence for some five years, and had come into force, when: 1963, 1965 or 1967?
Q3) This particular vote covers Great Britain.   In other words, Hanging was abolished in all countries of the UK … except one.   Which one?
Q4) The act — and the vote — effectively abolished hanging as a punishment: for which capital offence: arson in naval dockyards, murder or treason?
Q5) The then leaders of each of Britain’s major political parties voted for abolition: including Britain’s then Prime Minister.   Who was he?
Q6) The then Home Secretary opened the debate on Abolition… Who was he?
Q7) After this vote, hanging remained as punishment in the UK.   For what: piracy without violence, manslaughter or espionage?
Q8) Hanging was traditionally carried out on what?
Q9) Early forms of hanging killed the hanged person by strangulation.   Later versions were supposed to break the victim’s … what?
Q10) Finally … Hanging, as a punishment for any capital crime, was finally abolished in which year of the 1990s?
A1) 1969.
A2) 1965.
A3) Northern Ireland.
A4) Murder.
A5) Harold Wilson.
A6) James Callaghan.
A7) Espionage.
A8) A scaffold: also called a gallows.   (Gallows Corner, in Romford, would’ve had one.   I suspect lynchings — or a gallows — may have been at Hanging Hill Lane, in Hutton: but can find no actual references I’d trust, online.)
A9) Neck.   (What’s called the ‘standard drop’ meant the person fell between 4 and 6 feet.   The ‘Long Drop’ varied according to the weight and height of the hanged person.   In either case, the knot would be carefully placed, so as to assure the neck broke.)
A10) 1998: with the introduction of the Human Rights Act (1998).
Have a good Christmas!

*        In other words, you’re free to copy, use, alter and build on each of my quizzes: including the Teasers, Gazette Teasers and the Friday Question Sets.   All I ask in return is that you give me an original authors credit on your event’s flyers or posters, or on the night: and, if you republish them, give me an original authors credit AND republish under the same license.   A link back to the site — and to the Gazette’s, if that’s where you’ve found these — would be appreciated: as would pressing my donate button, here.   Every penny is gratefully received.

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