I’ve mentioned, over the past few days, about how I’ve been having some form of problem with my Broadband usage.
Well …
Which BT could only solve … ? By offering to upgrade my call package. OK, It’s only a few pounds dearer: and it means I’ve now got no problem about downloading anything.
But it’s not my preferred solution.
THEN there’s CBS! I said, yesterday, I’d had an email about the clip from Penny Dreadful that I’d posted to Youtube: as part of a review. CBS, protecting their property, want it taken down: but offered a compromise: I take down the appeal, they’ll remove the block
I’ve sent them an email: basically to ask for written assurances that that’s what’ll happen. Here’s hoping!
But let’s get a move on, shall we?
Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out five, and Debbi scoring four.
Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?
Here they are, along with the How To, License and video …
Q1) 23rd December is — in the small village of Mousehole — the date of Tom Bawcock’s Eve. Mousehole is in which English county?
Q2) More to the point, what pie is eaten on Tom Bawcock’s Eve?
Q3) 23rd December is also Saint Thorlak’s Day. Saint Thorlak is the patron of which island nation?
Q4) According to TV show, Seinfeld, 23rd December is Festivus. Usually celebrated by putting up an aluminium what?
Q5) In Oaxaca, 23rd December is the Night of the … what?
Q6) Finally … 23rd December is the official birthday of Emperor Akihito. Akihito is emperor of where?Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd December is this year’s Winter Solstice. It’s the longest what of 2015: day or night?
A1) Night.
Q2) 22nd December, 1666, saw the birth of Guru Gobind Singh. The Guru was a major figure in which religion?
A2) Sikhism.
Q3) 22nd December, saw the birth of James Maskelyne. Maskelyne found fame as what: a composer, magician or actor?
A3) Magician.
Q4) Adolf Hitler signed an order, on 22nd December, 1942: that allowed for the development of which weapon?
A4) The V2.
Q5) Finally … the Lincoln Tunnel opened: on 22nd December, 1937. It connects Weehawken, New Jersey, to which city?I’ll leave you with this thought …
A5) New York.
“As anyone who has the slightest knowledge of my work knows, I have little in common with Larkin, who was tall, taciturn and thin-on-top, and unlike him I laugh, nay, sneer, in the face of death. I will concede one point: we are both lesbian poets.”And this tune, co-written by Dave Murray of Iron Maiden …
Carol Anne Duffy, born 23 December 1955.
Have a good day.
* Well, I’m HOPING CBS will get back to me, quickly, Olga. If their offer’s in good faith, I’m laughing …
† I though so, Debbi! Oh, I’ve blind carbon-copied the email I sent to CBS, to you. Figured I’d find a handy legal brain to let me know her opinion … Um …
Q1) Cornwall
ReplyDeleteQ2) Stargazy pie (a mixed fish, egg and potato pie with protruding fish heads). If it wasn’t for the protruding fish heads it wouldn’t sound that bad…
Q3) Iceland
Q4) Festivus Pole (it has to be unadorned. Mind you, other than sticking things to it, not that easy to adorn it… Wrap it in more aluminium?)
Q5) Radishes (I like the sound of this one)
Q6) Japan
Keep us posted on all developments.
No longer giving legal advice, as I have no malpractice insurance. But as a practical matter, it's hard to believe CBS would bother suing you. Not that it'll stop YouTube from blocking the video. Been through this myself. They've turned down my fair use arguments flat. *sigh* Best of luck with that. I'd be interested in knowing if you prevail! :)
ReplyDelete1. Cornwall
2. Stargazy pie
3. Iceland
4. Radishes
5. Japan