
Saturday 30 January 2016

The Daily Teaser — 30-1-2016

Well, that’s the handy thing about pay day … 

I’ve managed buy something from Amazon.

Well, to be frank … ?

I’ve managed to pick up season three of the Netflix version of House of Cards.

I don’t know if you’ve been watching it: but I think it’s worth your time.

Although, saying that … ?

I’m also going to be keeping my eyes peeled for Penny Dreadful.

Series three … is something I’m getting impatient to see!


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How ToLicense and video … 

Q1) 30th January, 1806, saw the opening of the original Lower Trenton Bridge.   Over which US river: the Potomac, the Delaware or the Mississippi?
Q2) 30th January, 1972, saw British Army troops kill 13 civilians: on what’s now notoriously called what?
Q3) 30th January, 1964, saw NASA launch its Ranger 6 probe.   Where was Ranger 6 heading: Mars, Venus or the Moon?
Q4) The Viet Cong, and the North Vietnamese Army, launched a well known military action: on 30th January, 1968.   The action was called the what Offensive?
Q5) Finally … Peter Leko became the world’s youngest Grandmaster: on 30th January, 1994.   As such, he was and is a noted player of which game: Backgammon, Shogi or Chess?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 29th January saw the VC medal first instituted.   What does VC stand for?
A1) The Victoria Cross.
Q2) Which Queen introduced it?
Q3) In which year of the 1850s was it introduced?
A3) 1856.
Q4) The medal is awarded for which ‘V’?
A4) Valour.   (Indeed, ‘For Valour’ are the only two words on the front of the medal.)
Q5) The VC is awarded for that ‘V’: in the face of whom?
A5) The Enemy.
Q6) The first VC was awarded during which war?
A6) The Crimean War.
Q7) Who was Britain fighting against in that war?
A7) The Russian Empire.
Q8) The medal’s shape is a cross what: pattée, paté or pattern?
A8) A cross Pattée.   (The arms of the cross are narrow at the centre, and broader on the outside.)
Q9) How many times — since World War 2 — has the original VC been awarded?
A9) 15.
Q10) Who’s the most recent British Army soldier to have received the VC?
A10) Lance Corporal Mark Leakey.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“I used to wash up in the Houses of Parliament kitchens. Now I’m a Lord, and want opportunities for all to be addressed”
John Bird, Big Issue founder, born 30th January, 1946.
And this tune‡ … 

Have a good day …

*        Thankfully, the weather in my area’s looking a bit better, today, Olga.   But seeing those alerts go up, yesterday … ?   Was worrying!   (I’m also grateful I don’t live near a river!)

†        Yeah you might like that one, Debbi! :D   (At ANY rate, could resist today’s tune: I do like a good bass-line.)

‡        I THINK Collins is left handed … at least … based on his air guitaring at the start of the video.


  1. 1. Delaware
    2. Bloody Sunday
    3. Moon
    4. Tet offensive
    5. Chess

    PS Couldn't get into Penny Dreadful.

  2. Q1) Delaware
    Q2) Bloody Sunday
    Q3) The Moon
    Q4) The Tet Offensive
    Q5) Chess
    I'm off to buy some things before the weather gets worse. It keeps starting and stopping snowing...

  3. You know what's really awesome? A nice, strong E-chord. Totally rock n' roll!

    BTW, I hope you saw that article about John Lydon. What a laugh! Hasn't mellowed a bit, has he?

    1. the Delaware
    2. Bloody Sunday
    3. the Moon
    4. Tet
    5. chess


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