
Sunday 20 March 2016

The Daily Teaser — 20-3-2016

Oh, that’s the OTHER reason … 

I mentioned, yesterday, that I was doing a night shift: or an evening one, if you want picky.

6:30 to half past midnight.

I had to admit to being a touch nervous: it’s been a while since I’ve done one of those late shifts.

I’ve also realised something ELSE … 

And that’s the reason I’m grateful for not — usually — doing those late nights.

The time I get to bed is usually ridiculous.

And the morning after … ?

My head usually feels as if I’m going to yawn it off … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: and scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Emperor Tenmu assumed his country’s throne: on 20th March, 673 AD.   What WAS his country?
Q2) Who entered Paris on 20th March, 1815: after escaping from the island of Elba?
Q3) On 20th March, 1987, the US Food and Drug Administration aproved the use of the drug, AZT.   Also know as Retrovir, and Zidovudine, the drug is used to treat what: Leprosy, HIV/AIDS or Polio?
Q4) 20th March, 1995, saw a small cult group called Aum Shinriko attack the underground system.   Of which city?
Q5) Finally … 20th March, 2003, saw US forces start bombing which city?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) GRB 080319B was observed, on 19th March, 2008: briefly becoming the furthest object seen by a naked eye.   The Gamma Ray burst was roughly how far away: 5.5, 6.5 or 7.5 billion light years?
Q2) The ancient Roman festival of Quinquatria was celebrated on the 19th March.   The Festival celebrated which Goddess: Salacia, Minerva or Hecate?
A2) Minerva.
Q3) Princess Margaret announced she and her husband were to separate: on 19th March, 1976.   Who was her (soon to be ex) husband?
A3) Lord Snowdon.   (Although known as Lord Snodon, Anthony Armstrong-Jones was the 1st Earl Snowdon.)
Q4) Adolf Hitler ordered German infrastructure to be destroyed: on the 19th March, 1945.   This order became known as the what: Stalin Decree, Nero Decree or Holocaust Decree?
A4) The Nero Decree.   (His aim was to prevent German industrial And military assets being used by the advancing allies.)
Q5) Finally … Four areas became overseas departments — or provinces — of France: on 19th March, 1946.   Name one of them.
A5) Guadaloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Réunion.   (Mayotte was added in 2011.)

I’ll leave you with this thought …
“Poetry comes fine-spun from a mind at ease.”
Ovid, 20 March 43 BC – AD 17/18.
And this tune … 

Have a good day … !

*        The Tom Hanks film, you mean, Debbi?   Might have to keep an eye open for that one.   I think the incident it’s based on, inspired a similar scene in Smiley’s People.   (Oh, and Davros’ survival is explained in Destiny of the Daleks.   Apparently, he’d built a suspended animation unit into his chair … )


  1. But of course! :) There's always something!

    1. Japan
    2. Napoleon
    3. HIV/AIDS
    4. Tokyo
    5. Baghdad

    Nice song. Ever see "Doctor Strangelove"? You should. Great performances from Sterling Hayden and Peter Sellers!!

  2. Q1) Japan
    Q2) Napoleon
    Q3) HIV/AIDs
    Q4) Tokyo
    Q5) Baghdad
    It worked, it worked! It let me post directly from the link in Twitter!
    I hope the evening isn't too bad and tomorrow morning is OK.


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