
Sunday 6 March 2016

The Daily Teaser — 6-3-2016

You know, it’s a Sunday.

And, as such?   I probably don’t have to go into work for the staff meeting: as I’ve booked the weekend off.

Especially as I’ve got something of a long — if pleasurable — day.

But frankly … ?

I want to see how I’ve done in this period’s up selling contest.

I’m competitive enough to see if I’ve placed.   One co-worker, famously, keeps bagging first place.   The real contest … ?   Is to see who came second!

At ANY rate … ?

That’s just an opener … 

The real fun … ?   Is that I’m off to see a movie … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring ten out of ten.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 6th March, 1997, saw whom launch a rather royal website?
Q2) 6th March, 1957, saw Ghana become independent of the UK.   The country is on which continent?
Q3) 6th March, 1340, saw the birth of John of Gaunt, the First Duke of where: Lincolnshire, Leicester or Lancaster?
Q4) 6th March, 1899 saw Bayer register a trademark: for what’s now one of the world’s best known medications.   What medication?
Q5) Finally … 6th March, 1521, saw Ferdinand Magellan sight what he called the Islas de las Velas Latinas.   We call the island … what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 5th March is Saint Piran’s Day: the patron saint of Cornwall.   Cornwall is a county of which nation of the UK?
A1) England.
Q2) What’s Cornwall’s name … in Cornish?
A2) Kernow.
Q3) Cornish is what: Gaelic, Brittonic or Iberian?
A3) Brittonic.   (It’s Celtic, like Scottish and Irish: but more closely related to Welsh and Breton.   The former two tongues are Gaelic.)
Q4) Many see Saint Piran’s flag as the flag of Cornwall.   It consists of a white cross: on what colour background?
A4) Black.
Q5) He’s also supposed to have worked out how to mine which metal: gold, tin or silver?
A5) Tin.
Q6) What’s the administrative capital of Cornwall?
A6) Truro.
Q7) Aberfal is the (relatively new) Cornish name.   For which Cornish town: Saint Ives, Falmouth or Penzance?
A7) Falmouth.
Q8) The highest land areas in Cornwall are where: Dartmoor, Bodmin or Land’s End?
A8) Bodmin.   (Strictly speaking, Dartmoor’s in Devon … )
Q9) Winston Graham’s series of novels — and the two associated TV shows — are based in Cornwall.   The first books focus on Ross … who?
A9) Poldark.
Q10) Finally … David Cornwell lives and writes in Cornwall.   He’s better known as which writer?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“It was a bit like an overgrown schoolboy’s job. I was Peter Pan really. I sometimes think I still am …”
John Noakes, born 6th March, 1934.
And this tune … 


Have a nice day … !

*        Jude does have a rather daft sense of humour, bless him!   And I hope not, Olga: we’re off out, again, today, and I’m hoping to not celebrate another shirt’s birthday!

†        Cheers, Debbi!   (We’re off out, again, today: to see Dad’s Army)


  1. Hi Paul:
    I'm out and about today so no time for quiz only to wish you a happy Sunday and hope you enjoy the movie.

  2. Hope you had a happy Mother's Day! :)

    1. Queen Elizabeth II
    2. Africa
    3. Lancaster
    4. aspirin
    5. the Mariana Islands


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