
Monday 9 May 2016

The Daily Teaser — 9-5-2016

Hmmm … 

That seemed to go … interestingly … 

Yesterday was my first day back at work for a while: well … after a week off.

Quite a long shift, too.

Long enough for me to qualify for something to eat: courtesy of the job.

Remember me saying I’ve been having a problem with stomach cramps?

Seriously intense stomach cramps?

Very nasty, seriously intense stomach cramps?

I got ’em, again, last night.

My only inclusion, so far … ?

Is that cooked chicken seems to be setting off nasty batches of it!

Heigh-ho … !


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th May, 1873, saw the start of Der Krach.   This was a stock market crash, where: London, Vienna or New York?
Q2) Australia’s Parliament convened for the first time: on 9th May, 1901.   The parliament meets in which Australian city?
Q3) Britain’s Royal Navy captured the German submarine, U-110, on 9th May, 1941.   The Navy captured the sub … and its code machine.   What was that coding machine called?
Q4) Vertigo had its world premiere on 9th May, 1958.   Who directed Vertigo?
Q5) Finally … Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show opened in London.   On 9th May of which year: 1886, 1887 or 1888?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th May is VE Day: or Victory in Europe Day.   Marking the end — in Europe — of what?
A1) World War 2.
Q2) Paramount Pictures was founded: on 8th May, 1912.   The company is the last to have its HQ in which part of Los Angeles?
A2) Hollywood.
Q3) Hernando de Soto reached the Río de Espíritu Santo, on 8th May, 1541.   That US river is now called … what?
Q4) 8th May, 1898, saw the first games played.  In which country’s football leagues: France’s, Italy’s or Spain’s?
A4) Italy’s.
Q5) Finally … 8th May, 1980, saw the WHO announce the eradication of which disease?
A5) Smallpox.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“The last couple of years have seen more lows than highs … my long-held view that whether you’re up or you’re down, there’s only one way to react to whatever life throws at you. Carry on.”
Joan Sims, 9 May 1930 – 27, June 2001.
And this song … 

Have a good day … !

*        Well, it went well: bar the guts playing up!   The upside?   Means I now know chicken sets my stomach off.   The downside … ?   You’re right, Olga, I think I need more time off!

†        Well … we’ve GOT a three party system, Debbi … whether it’s functioning … (At ANY rate, we seem to have a bigger choice of parties than the States does …)


  1. Q1) Vienna
    Q2) Melbourne
    Q3) Enigma
    Q4) Alfred Hitchcock (I mention the movie and its setting in one of the stories in Escaping Psychiatry. I love Alfred Hitchcock and once did a course on Psychoanalysis where we studied his movies. That was when I was doing my PhD on film, not psychiatry… )
    Q5) 1887. And Buffalo Bill appears as one of the characters in a book I read recently, The Dolan Girls by S. R. Mallery. A very good book (I’ve liked all the books I’ve read by this author so far).
    Definitely don't eat any more of that chicken. It's bizarre though. Our stomachs (and bowels) change with age. I love fruit but some I can't tolerate now (like plums. And I love them...)

  2. Hello !
    1) Vienna
    2) Canberra
    3) Enigma
    4) Alfred Hitchcock
    5) 1887

    Submitted by
    King Cucumber.

  3. You sure do. And that's a big plus! Along with probably better health care. I won't go on about that situation. Or guns! Don't get me started! :) Too late, huh?

    1. Vienna
    2. Canberra
    3. Enigma
    4. the one and only Alfred Hitchcock (Master of Suspense!)
    5. 1887

    BTW, any chance you could put up a widget with my Amazon UK page linked to it?

    Here's the link:

    Trying to make a few more sales across the pond! :)

    Also, I'm getting ready to start a crowdfunding campaign for the Crime Cafe boxed set of novels and the Crime Cafe short story anthology. So, any help spreading the word would be great! Thanks!


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