
Friday 5 August 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-8-2016

Boy, but that was a comparatively late night.

Believe it or not?

Writing a Teaser: for next week.

Very specifically, for International Left-handers Day.

It’s something of a tradition for me: as I’m left-handed, myself.


I’m looking forward to inflicting it on people.

JUST to see how well it does.

All that, aside, though?

I always, personally think the International Left-handers Day is important … because?

Well, because, if we, as people, are to say that equality of opportunity is a good thing — equality between ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations — we have to start with the little things.

It’s a little thing … 

But, speaking as a lefty?   It need addressing.


But let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 5th August, 1100, saw the coronation of Henry 1st of England.   Henry was king until his death: in December of which year?
Q2) On 5th August, 1975, Britain’s Forestry Commission announced roughly three million trees were suffering from what?
Q3) Approximately 6000 people were killed, on 5th August, 1949: in an earthquake in which South American country?
Q4) Latvia was annexed: on 5th August, 1940.   By which then country?
Q5) Finally … which activist was jailed in south Africa: on 5th August, 1962?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 4th August is the feast day of Saint Sithney: the patron saint of mad dogs.   He’s ALSO the patron saint of the small village that shares his name.   That village is in which English county?
A1) Cornwall.
Q2) Klaus Schulze was born: on 4th August, 1947.   He’d been a drummer — briefly — for which seminal German band: Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream or DAF?
Q3) 4th August, 1947, saw the formal establishment of the Saikō-Saibansho: the Supreme Court of which Asian nation?
A3) Japan.
Q4) 4th August, 2007, saw the launch of the Phoenix craft: by NASA.   The craft landed on which planet?
A4) Mars.
Q5) Finally … 4th August, 1984, saw the Republic of Upper Volta changed its name.   To what?
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“I entered literary life as a meteor, and I shall leave it like a thunderbolt.”
Guy de Maupassant, 5 August 1850 – 6 July 1893.
And this song …

Have a good day.

*        Cheers, Debbi!   Actually, that’s not the big appeal of this one.   The BIG appeal… ?   Is that I’d finish work, NOT smelling of fried chicken.   (DAMN!   I’ve got an earworm!)


  1. Q1) 1135
    Q2) Dutch Elm disease
    Q3) Ecuador
    Q4) The Soviet Union
    Q5) Nelson Mandela
    Funny thing is that I borrowed one of your questions for my radio programme yesterday but I forgot to enter the answers myself. I'm absolutely useless with my left hand.

  2. 1. December 1, 1135
    2. Dutch elm disease
    3. Ecuador
    4. Soviet Union
    5. Nelson Mandela

  3. I understand completely. I used to work at McDonald's. Not my first choice! :)

    1. 1135
    2. Dutch Elm disease
    3. Ecuador
    4. the Soviet Union
    5. Nelson Mandela


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