
Saturday 1 October 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-10-2016

Hmmm … 

Well, that’s that interview done with.

I had an interview, yesterday: in Chelmsford.

Nice little university town, Chelmsford.

And I’ve got to confess, if seemed to go well.

If I do get the job?   I’ll be happily thankful.


Frankly, the interview offers are starting to dry up, right now.   I’m expecting them to go quiet for the minute.

Which is … 

Well, par for the course, from what I’ve come to expect.


As a bit of pointless trivia?

Today marks the birthday of Jimmy Carter, Julie Andrews and Theresa May.

And my kid sister, Ruth.

Which means we all get to celebrate, with a posh meal.

If I know my nephew, Jude?   He’ll come up with something silly to celebrate Mummy’s birthday.


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring four out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) Al Jackson Jr was shot dead: on 1st October, 1975.   He was a founding member of — and drummer for — which Stax band?
Q2) Annie Besant was born: on 1st October, 1847.   Famously, she campaigned for workers in the Bryant and May factory in London.   A factory that made what?
Q3) She ALSO campaigned for what: birth control, temperance or the abolition of slavery?
Q4) Today is the National day of the People’s Republic of China.   What was the last Imperial dynasty to rule what’s now the People’s Republic?
Q5) The siege of Dubrovnik started: on 1st October, 1991.   Dubrovnik’s in which modern country?
Q6) Finally … Sony released the CDP-101 on 1st October, 1982.   The machine was the world’s first commercial device: for playing what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) Elizabeth Stride, and Catherine Eddowes were killed: on 30th September, 1888.   By whom?
A1) Jack the Ripper.
Q2) Madagascar became a French Protectorate: on 30th September, 1895.   Madagascar is in which ocean?
A2) The Indian Ocean.
Q3) 30th September, 1971, saw the British government announce the defection of Oleg Lyalin, a week previously.   Lyalin had worked for whom, before he defected: the CIA, KGB or MI6?
A3) The KGB.
Q4) 30th September, 1994, saw the closure of what HAD been the furthest Underground station from Central London.   What station was it?
A4) Ongar.
Q5) Finally … 30th September, 1975, saw the first flight of the AH-64 Apache.   The Apache is a what: fighter, submarine or helicopter?
A5) A helicopter.
I’ll leave you with this thought …
“We should live our lives as though Christ were coming this afternoon.”
Former President, Jimmy Carter, born 1st October, 1924.
And this tune … 

Enjoy your day … 

*        I think it did, Olga‡: although I managed to turn up … an hour early!   How the HELL I managed that, I really couldn’t tell you!

†        A sick building, Debbi‡?   That’s a new one on me!   Sounds like there’s a whole mix of stuff going on, there!

‡        Oh, pointless trivia for you both: Radio 4’s Today programme has just mentioned the fact researchers have restored the recording of the first computer music: programmed by Alan Turing, himself.   Quite interesting to hear the piece.


  1. Q1) Booker T. & the M.G.'s
    Q2) matches
    Q3) Birth control
    Q4) Qing
    Q5) Croatia
    Q6) Compact Disc player
    Let's hope you hear good news about work. And happy birthday to your sister. I hope you all enjoy the meal.

  2. Bad indoor air, at the EPA, no less! As in the Environmental Protection Agency.

    1. Booker T. & the M.G.'s
    2. matches
    3. birth control
    4. the Qing Dynasty
    5. Croatia
    6. CDs (compact discs)


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