
Saturday 19 November 2016

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-11-2016

Oh, well, that’s THAT done … 

I was working last night: which is all well and good: and gets me paid.

It also meant I managed to avoid watching the biennial Children in Need charity telethon on BBC1, last night.

Which I’m grateful for, actually.

The fundraiser brings in a lot of cash for the charities it serves.

But the mix of sketches, demands for money, songs, more demands for money, jokes, some more demands for money, explanations of where the money’s going, all wrapped up in demands for money.

The appeals, and the comedy?   Usually get a bit tedious.

The only thing that does grab my attention about the whole shebang?

Is the simple fact it usually airs a clip from the upcoming Dr Who Christmas special: as it’s done, this year.

All I CAN say?   Is “Thank Heavens for Youtube … !”


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi scoring scoring four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) The first Arab leader to visit Israel, did so on the 19th November, 1977.   Who was he?
Q2) More to the point, that leader was President of where?
Q3) Poland’s largest University was established: on 19th November, 1816.   That institute is the University of which city?
Q4) TVB began broadcasting: on 19th November, 1967.   Broadcasting, where: Macau, Hong Kong or Malaysia?
Q5) The Malice at the Palace took place on 169th November, 2004: at a game between the Detroit Pistons and the Indiana Pacers.   The Malice was a notorious brawl: at a game of what?
Q6) Finally … Charles 1st of England was born: on 19th November, 1600.   He was executed for treason in which year: 1648, 1649 or 1650?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th November, saw the wedding of Catherine Zeta Jones.   To whom?
Q2) More to the point, which of the couple is Welsh?
Q3) The original Saint Peter’s Basilica was consecrated: on 18th November, 326 AD.   The new Saint Peter’s Basilica was consecrated: on 18th November, 1626.   Both were — or are — in which City State?
Q4) Who was named as Pope: on 18th November, 2012?
A4) Pope Tawadros 2nd of the Coptic Church of Alexandria.
Q5) Finally … Bell Labs introduced the push button phone: on 18th November, 1963.   But in which country?
A5) The USA.
Here’s an opinion …
“Princes are not bound to give an account of their Actions but to God alone.”
Charles 1st of England. 19th November, 1600, to … … !
And a tune … 

Have a good day … 

*        I’ll quietly blame Autocorrect, shall I Olga?   At any rate, mentioning spiky boots at work got a lot of laughter.   Just don’t ask about corsets … !

†        That’s the word, Debbi!   (It’s line in the US.   President Obama’s use of the phrase “back of the queue,” caused a lot of discussion in the run-up: to the Brexit vote: about how much coaching he’d had.)

1 comment:

  1. Glad I got the spelling right! :)

    1. Anwar Sadat
    2. Egypt
    3. Warsaw
    4. Hong Kong
    5. basketball
    6. 1649


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