
Tuesday 10 January 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10-1-2016

Just in case you’re reading me, here, but not following on Twitter?

You’ll possibly know I’ve had router trouble.

I finally managed to send the old HomeHub3 back, yesterday: having found a large enough box to put it — and the modem it needed to interact with my fibre optic connection — in.

You’ll possibly realise I managed to trudge up to Brentwood High Street, yesterday: print out the relevant label, tape it to the box, and cart box, label and carcass, over to the post office.

I did shopping.   I wandered around, window shopping.

I wondered home.

And, in a bureaucratically skewed move worthy of Brazil and Paranoia … 

Found BT had sent me a second new router … 

Oy … 

Veh … 


But let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Angel† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s Metropolis themed questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 10th January, 1927, saw the release of classic science fiction movie, Metropolis, released in its native country.   Which country?
Q2) Who directed the film?
Q3) What was the name of the main female character?
Q4) A mad scientist creates an evil robot replica of that character.   What was his name?
Q5) The main male character is called what: Freddy, Freder or Franz?
Q6) The film was restored: and re-released in 1984.   By which producer?
Q7) Finally … The film is seen as part of which movement: German Expressionism, Spanish post-impressionism or English Arts and Crafts?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 9th January, 1986, saw Michael Heseltine resign his position in the Cabinet.   Which ministerial position did he hold?
Q2) Umberto 1st was named as king: on 9th January, 1878.   Of where?
A2) Italy.
Q3) 9th January, 1816, saw Sir Humphrey Davy test a new safety device: at Hebburn Colliery.   What was that device?
A3) The safety lamp.   (If I’ve understood how it worked, correctly, the mesh allowed the lamplight to be seen: but stopped the lamp flame escaping: and prevented it setting off any firedamp.)
Q4) 9th January, 1920, saw the birth of actor, Clive Dunn.   Which character did he play, in the long running sitcom, Dad’s Army?
Q5) 9th January, 1939, saw the birth of actress, Susannah York.   For which 1969 film did she receive a Best Supporting Actress BAFTA?
I’ll leave you with a thought …
“It’s very hard to talk about pictures—should I say now that I like Metropolis because something I have seen in my imagination comes true, when I detested it after it was finished?”
The film’s director, in an interview published in 1998.
And possibly the one song we could play … 

Have a good day … !

*        You’re right, Olga: the film of the game do have reputations … !   At ANY rate … ?   I’m going to have to pencil in They Shoot Horses: Debbi, bless her, has been telling me it’s fantastic for years!

†        Good idea with the paper, Angel!   I with I’d thought of that, I’ve half a TON of unused Christmas paper.   Mind you, I’m saving that for Xmas, 2017!   But the reason I needed the box — I used an old Amazon one I had, eventually, and stuck the label on — was that the box the first new router came in … was too thin to put all the old router’s bits in.   Wouldn’t you know it … ?!

‡        Bloody HELL, Power of the Daleks got a US broadcast, Debbi?   I’m jealous!   That’s better than we managed, here!   What did you think … ?   (I’ve have GOT to pencil in They Shoot Horses, I really do … !)


  1. Q1) Germany
    Q2) Fritz Lang
    Q3) Maria
    Q4) Rotwang
    Q5) Freder
    Q6) Giorgio Moroder
    Q7) German Expressionism
    Funnily enough, yesterday afternoon I went to see an exhibition of cinema and art. ( There was a fair amount of early footage but also some modern stuff. I studied (and taught) Metropolis during a European Cinema course. The main professor was a Germanist. Perhaps because I'm a psychiatrist, I really love The Cabinet of Dr Caligary.
    You definitely must catch They Shoot the Horses... Not to be watched on a day when you're feeling bad, though. Or tired...

  2. Yes, you do! Really! :)

    1. Germany
    2. Fritz Lang
    3. Maria
    4. Rotwang
    5. Freder
    6. Giorgio Moroder
    7. German Expressionism


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