
Monday 9 January 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 9-1-2017

Hmmm … 

I think we can say it’s Day Two of ownership of my new router.

And … ?

It’s not fallen over: yet.

Cynic that I am?   I’m wondering when that’s going to happen.

We’ll have to see, when I start locally streaming media: the old HomeHub3 were — in my experience — bad at that.

My only problem at the moment?

Is finding a cardboard box.

I’ve got an official label that let’s me send the old router back to BT.

Hmmmm … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: scoring five out of five in the process.   The day also saw Angel‡ managing to put her answers in for Friday’s Teaser: again, scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video … 

Q1) 9th January, 1986, saw Michael Heseltine resign his position in the Cabinet.   Which ministerial position did he hold?
Q2) Umberto 1st was named as king: on 9th January, 1878.   Of where?
Q3) 9th January, 1816, saw Sir Humphrey Davy test a new safety device: at Hebburn Colliery.   What was that device?
Q4) 9th January, 1920, saw the birth of actor, Clive Dunn.   Which character did he play, in the long running sitcom, Dad’s Army?
Q5) 9th January, 1939, saw the birth of actress, Susannah York.   For which 1969 film did she receive a Best Supporting Actress BAFTA?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) A Boeing 737 crashed on 8th January, 1989.   On which British motorway?
A1) The M1.
Q2) The African National Congress was founded: on 8th January, 1912.   In what’s now which country?
Q3) Ella T. Grasso became Governor of which US state: on 8th January, 1975?
Q4) The world’s (then) largest passenger ship was formally named by the Queen: on 8th January, 2004.   What was that ship called?
A4) The RMS Queen Mary 2.
Q5) Finally … The USSR’s Luna 21 probe was launched: on 8th January or which year of the 1970s?
A5) 1973.
Here’s a thought …
“Being born with a pair of beady eyes was the best thing that ever happened to me.”
Lee van Cleef, January 9, 1925 – December 16, 1989.
And a song … 

Have a good day.

*        Frankly, Olga, I’m just hoping the thing works when I star start streaming media across my local network.   That’s going to be the test of it!   Either way … games into TV shows … Hmmm … (Possibly good, possibly bad: I know the Dungeons and Dragons film bombed, a while back.   The thing was so bad, it made the cartoon look good!)

†        I’m going to have to keep an eye open for that one, Debbi!   I do know I’m catching a lot of horror, just recently!   (I got copies of American Horror Show and Power of the Daleks, Troughton’s first story, for Christmas.   The latter’s a fascinating watch, btw … )

‡        Now, why didn’t I think of that, Angel?   I’ll have to make threatening noises, now you come to mention it!   I do know I’ve bagged this router — £80 odd worth — for free!   (Oh … the usual deadline to get answers in is roughly 8am, GMT/BST.   Unless I need to reset the router … )


  1. Q1) Defence Secretary
    Q2) Italy
    Q3) A safety lamp
    Q4) Lance Corporal Jones
    Q5) They Shoot Horses, Don't They? I haven’t watched it in a long time, but it’s one of those movies one doesn’t easily forget.
    Let's hope. I know what you mean about movies and games.

  2. 1. Defence Secretary
    2. Italy
    3. Davy Lamp for miners
    4. Lance Corporal Jack Jones
    5. They Shoot Horses, Don't They?

    Don't look for a cardboard box. Put the old router in the box that the new one came in and reseal it. Cover your address up with their label. Tape a small strip of paper, that has your return address, over theirs & put a strip over any postmark that might be on that package.

    Other option, cut a paper where you can unfold it to one piece and wrap it like a Christmas present and attach the label onto it.

  3. I watched the animated Dalek episode on BBC America.

    1. Defence Minister
    2. Italy
    3. the Davy Lamp
    4. Lance Corporal Jones
    5. They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (A fantastic movie. You should see it!)


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