
Saturday, 25 March 2017

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-3-2017

Right …

That’s something to be thankful for!

As you’re possible aware, my extra monitor went home on me, the other day.

Why?   I really couldn’t tell you.

But I suspect the graphics card on my second-hand Mac Pro has … 


At any rate?

At ANY rate, I’ve managed to trade in an extra external drive — and some USB sticks — and pick up a second hand wide-screen monitor from my local CeX.

So now have everything laid out properly.

Which is all good.


Let’s move on.

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video

Q1) Robert the Bruce became King of the Scots: on 25th March, 1306.   Famously, he complained of breaking his favourite battle ax: at which battle?
Q2) King Faisal died  on 25th March, 1975: after a gun attack.   Faisal was king of where?
Q3) That same day — 25th March, 1975 — saw the National Front, a notorious far right group,  launch violent protests.   Against what: joining Europe, immigration or imported cheese?
Q4) The Coxey’s Army march, started: on 25th March, 1894.   What was it protesting against: Chinese immigration, unemployment or alcohol use?
Q5) Finally … 25th March, 1957, saw the signing of the treaty that formed the European Economic Community.   Name any one of the six founding countries.
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1) Warlord, Timur, sacked Damascus: on 24th March, 1401.   Timur is also known as … ?
A1) Tamerlane.
Q2) Great Britain passed the Quartering Act: on 24th March, 1765.   This forced Britain’s American colonists do what: pay high taxes on tea, house troops or drink coffee?
Q3) The HMS Eurydice sank: on 24th March, 1878.   Of the coast of where: Anglesey, the Isle of Wight or Jersey?
A3) The Isle of Wight.
Q4) The night of 24th March, 1944, saw seventy-six prisoners escape from Stalag Luft 3.   The escape was eventually filmed: as what?
Q5) Finally … who got drafted on 24th March, 1958?
I’ll leave you with a thought …
“I think space will be conquered through the mind rather than the clumsy medium of space travel.”
Patrick Troughton, 25 March 1920 – 28 March 1987.
And a song about Kitty … 

Have a good day … !

*        Finding he was respectful about the bodies, Olga?   Somehow does’t surprise me.   I think I read his autobiography, a while back: and that fits well.   Apparently, towards the end of his life?   He opposed the death sentence … 

†        Comes down to the money, I think, Debbi.   I get the impression a lot of cable carriers like offering BBCAmerica shows on their websites and catch-up services, and like the idea of keeping them on their sites: it’s a big draw.   (Yeah, that sounds about right, Debbi.   I’ve  and old friend in Wales, and the language is a big factor in Welsh identity. #WelshLanguage.)


  1. Q1) the Battle of Bannockburn
    Q2) Saudi Arabia
    Q3) joining Europe
    Q4) Unemployment
    Q5) West Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
    Good about your monitor. I quite like Elton John (some songs more than others). I'm in Wales at the moment although as I'm looking after a house and three dogs I don't get to chat to many people. And yesterday for some reason the TV stopped working... Well, I have plenty to read and can always watch things on the computer...

  2. Indeed! :)

    1. the Battle of Bannockburn
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. immigration
    4. unemployment
    5. France

    I just managed to type this without a splint on my hand. Yay!!! :-D


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