
Thursday 9 March 2017

Stranger Things: Episode 1 and 2 — Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers and Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street

9th March, 2017

You know, last night?

Last night I have to confess: I watched Nosferatu.

The old German silent film?

Generally considered a masterpiece: but one I felt unimpressed by.

I might have to give it another go, at some point.

When I’m a little less tired, perhaps.

On a night like tonight, in other words.

Well, I could’ve done.

I didn’t.

I thought I should maybe catch up with some of the TV shows I’ve had sitting around in my collection, and assorted wish lists.

Frankly?   I seriously fancied series 2 of Mr Robot: as I was impressed by the first series.

I’ve ALSO got the first five series of American Horror Story.

But really didn’t fancy running a (metaphorical) marathon.

Even thought at last one old friend tells me it’s worth watching.

No … I fancied going lightweight: after the Sturm und Drang of Mr Robot.

I fancied … Winona Ryder … an 1980s setting … kids on bicycles … Netflix … !

I fancied … 


Chapter 1 — The Vanishing of Will Byers — by introducing us to Will (Noah Schnapp): a youngster living in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, leaving a friend’s house after an especially riveting game of Dungeons and Dragons.

Only to not get home, by morning.

Sending his mother, Joyce — Winona Ryder — frantically heading to local police chief, Jim Hopper — David Harbour — to report her youngest son as missing.

Meanwhile, Will’s three friends, and fellow players — Mike, Dustin and Lucas, played by Finn Wolfhard, Gaten Matarazzo and Caleb McLaughlin — decide to try and find him.

Only to find a mysterious called calling herself Eleven, seemingly lost in the woods.

Chapter 2 — The Weirdo on Maple Street — shows us what happens when Mike decides to hide Eleven — Millie Bobby Brown — only for he and the gang to find eleven’s got a Few tricks up her sleeve.

Chapter 2 tells us something else: that the mysterious Eleven is being hunting by a team of heavies led by Dr Brenner: played by Matthew Modine.

And that the missing Will is desperately trying to phone his mother, Joyce.

Only to leave Joyce in hysterics, when the phone … blows up … 

And the lights … trip


Now … was I impressed by the first two episodes of Stranger Things?

Very much so, actually.

This is a piece whose ensemble cast work well together, with the younger cast members shining — but not overwhelming — the cast, and whose older members experience works very well.

The writing’s well done, as well: giving each member of the cast — even the minor ones who only last an episode — enough depth and background to shine.

There’s scares there: and enough funny moments to lighten the mood, before introducing some of The darker touches.

Over all?

I can see why people are making a fuss about this series.

With Stranger Things, Netflix have another hit on their hands.

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